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"Truth or Dare."
The group sighed at the three words that came from JJ, knowing that the night was inevitably going to get out of control.

Bottles of alcohol were set up on the living room table, paired with snacks and shot glasses, as well as Tobi's dedicated apple juice. Six males sat on the sofa behind the table, each there at the promise of a party.

"Nah fam, don't give me that. It's a good idea!" JJ insisted, looking around at his friends. Words once again met with an eye-roll, he reached out for a beer, only for his hand to be slapped away by his best mate, Simon.

"Jide, we're waiting for people remember? Slow down." Simon told him, proceeding to look at the time on his phone.

"Speaking of which, why are they so fucking late?" Cal asked, receiving shrugs.

Just on cue, Ethan, Josh and Lux walked in, each carrying a grocery bag with various items.

"Talking shit, Cal?" Lux asked, sitting his grocery bag on the bench for Josh to unpack before sitting next to his mate.

"You wish. Anyways, what'd we get lads?" Asked Cal, curiosity gleaming in this blue eyes.

A little while later, more people had started to show up, and the supplies the three had brought were laid on the table. Everyone was well on their way to drunk, JJ and Vik being the first to lose their sobriety.
Vik was over by the dance space with Tobi who was making sure he wouldn't pass out and Simon, who was encouraging him to do the floss on the table in front of everyone.

"C'mon Vik," Slurred Simon, quite tipsy after a few drinks. "Just do it, pussy." He laughed.

Without reply, Vik jumped to the table, flipping Simon off, earning cheers from the small crowd that began to gather.

"T-this is for..." Viks words mumbled as he spoke, breaking out into a fit of giggles mid sentence. "It's for my friend Simon, because he called me a... a pussy." He giggled, making direct eye contact with Simon before breaking out into the floss. The crowd cheered and Tobi just shook his head, and left to find JJ.

He managed to find him outside by the pool, in a deep conversation with Ethan, Lux, Cal, and Harry.

"Nah fam, you're lying to me. Don't lie to me man." JJ's speech was worse than Vik's as he dragged on his words.

"How are you fellas holding up?" Tobi asked, joining the group.

"Tobi they're lying to me." JJ pouted, pointing a finger at the four guys who were all giggling to themselves.

Jide had always been weird when he was drunk, seemingly softer and easier to start fights with. It always got a laugh out of people, but sometimes Tobi found it hard to catch on to what he says. This was one of those times.

"You're going to have to explain, Jide." He said slowly, trying to get the words into the fuzzy fogginess of his friends brain.

"They, them all, lying. They're lying fam."

A sigh escaped Tobi's lips as he listened, he should have known that he had to be more specific if he wanted to get anything from JJ.

"What did they lie about?"

"Allegedly." Cal cut in, leaning forward in his seat to do so. This caused him to almost spill his drink on Ethan.

"Mate! Watch yourself!" Ethan shouted, jumping up to avoid alcohol that wasn't near him.

"Maybe if you weren't such a big fucker than you wouldn't be an easy target." Cal laughed, causing Tobi, Harry and Lux to lose it.

"Hey! That isn't nice. It's ok, I love you Ethan. They're not being nice." JJ stood up to attempt to hug Ethan, his drunk state causing him to become overly-affectionate.

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