• TN | E 14

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What defines a horrible person?

The internet basically says it's a dishonest, unpleasant person with intent to hurt people.

I guess it can be subjective though. Everyone has their own definitions of things.

But what if someone's intent wasn't to hurt people? What if they knew they shouldn't do something bad but they did it anyway? Is it possible that people can do something without meaning to?

Do horrible people feel guilt or remorse? Do they regret things that they do? Or do they like seeing people in pain? Seeing people cry and crumble beneath them?

Moving on from that shit, at the moment I feel odd.

I'll explain, just this once.

I did something to Lewis. I was in the middle of it and someone else came. I could feel their eyes connecting with the side of my head but I had to ignore them. What else could I do?

Had no time to look away and see who it was, ask them what they were doing. They just stood there. Watching. Staring. Were they scared? Of me?

Or did they see something else that I didn't?

So that's got me feeling strange.

Probably one of the only times I'll be caught sharing any feeling in this fucking book.

- ethanpayne

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