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A lump rose in Harry's dry throat, making it hard to swallow, just as it was hard to breathe. Hard to think. Hard to move. Hard. He was quite obviously having a panic attack again, for whatever reason. The male shook, eyes screwed shut, blocking everything out the best he could.

Ethan held Harry's arms tightly, guiding him into the main room of Simon and JJ's flat, nervously looking between his younger friends' face and the floor ahead. Guilt ran circles through his expression, he must have triggered his friend in some way. It frightened him, seeing Harry like this, he didn't know what to do, or what to say to make things right. Harry's panic attacks were very foreign to him.

Josh, Tobi and Simon watched as the two boys barged into the living room, immediately confused as to what was going on. They were met with the sight of a concerned looking Ethan awkwardly holding a sweaty, anxious Harry. Josh was the first to jump up, rushing over and pulling Harry from Ethan.

"What happened?" Simon questioned the ginger, pausing the movie and jumping to his feet. "What did you do?" He added in an angrier tone.

Words got caught in Ethan's throat and he could only manage to shake his head, arms covering his face. He was stressed out, to say the least.

"Shh, Harry it's alright. Breathe, Harry. Look at me." Josh comforted, having sat the younger down and was now tightly holding his shoulders in front on him.

"You're alright Boggo. Does he need anything?" Tobi was quick to ask, alarmed but trying his best to stay calm.

Josh just shook his head, continuing to talk Harry through his panic attack.

"Ethan what the fuck did you do?" Simon spat, standing in front of the shorter boy, trying to keep his voice down.

Once again, Ethan didn't make eye contact, finding it hard to speak. He wasn't used to Harry being like this, or Simon yelling at him. Sure, Simon could be stubborn, but Ethan didn't like this side of him. He found his voice again, frantically trying to pull together some words.

"I-I don't know! He was fine... we, we were just talking and stuff! I didn't do anything-"

"Of course you fucking did something, Ethan! He doesn't freak out over nothing. You're always doing something to fuck someone up." Simon cut him off, stepping closer to the boy.

Harry began to calm down and was now able to look Josh in the eye, following his breathing movements. Tobi sat by his side, rubbing his back and smiling, just trying to keep his spirits up.

"Lads, can you stop?" Josh sharply turned to the arguing pair. Usually, he would laugh at their petty fights, but this time it was getting out of hand.

A tear ran down Ethan's cheek - he was frightened. He would've been angry in any other situation, but he was so shaken up by the state Harry was in that he couldn't find the energy.

By now, Simon was towering over him, anger carved into his face. Hurt flashed through his eyes, in disbelief that Ethan could do such a thing to Harry - even though he didn't know exactly what that thing was. A finger was prodded into Ethan's chest before being removed, a hand coming down on his shirt collar.

"Tell me what you did, Ethan."

Ethan's fight or flight response was triggered, alarmed that Simon might actually hurt him. Why was Simon getting so worked up over Harry? Blinded by tears, he pushed his arms out in front of him, hoping to get Simon away.

His hands only brushed across Simons hoodie though, agitating the blonde even more. The grip was tightened as he brought his other hand in a split second of rage to punch him in the stomach.

Then, it was on.

No longer scared, Ethan came back to his senses and noticed the pain searing in his abdomen. Both Tobi and Josh's yelling was indistinguishable as they fought. Skilfully, he managed to place a few punches and push Simon a couple times to get more distance between them. Simon took the opportunity to charge forward, tackling him into the wall with a 'BANG'.

At the commotion, JJ came from his room, Vik coming from the bathroom. They were greeted by the sight of Simon wrestling Ethan on the ground, a few stray punches here and there.

JJ read the room, realising it was serious, deciding not to cheer them on and instead rushing to grab Simon.

"Si? Man, come on, stop. What the fuck happened? What was going on?" He took the taller boys hands and pinned them behind his back.

"It was so quick, they-" Josh started.

"He fucking hit me!" Ethan interrupted, looking at his knuckles before going to punch Simon again. Josh was quick to his feet, taking ahold of the male.

"You hurt Harry, you dickhead!" Simon yelled, eager to punch him again.

"No, guys it's-" Harry attempted.

"I didn't do shit! Doesn't give you any reason to be at my bloody neck!" Ethan jerked against Josh's hold, trying to pry free.

"Oh, bullshit! You never own up to anything you do and you're always fucking things up for everyone!" The blond retaliated.

"Don't act so perfect, Minter. You're always so quick to play the hero, because little precious Simon is too innocent to do anything wrong, huh?"

"Oh, big surprise. Ethan Payne is shifting the bloody blame again."

"I didn't do shit to Harry, it's not my fault he's fucked up!"

This hurt Harry. He wasn't fucked up, was he? Sure, his anxiety messed with him sometimes, but it was fixable. Something inside him sunk deep into the pits, a sadness fighting the concern on his face.

"He's the fucked up one? Have you seen yourself?"

"You're always up his ass!"

"Lads-" Vik tried to get their attention again, looking to Tobi across the room. They both shrugged in defeat.

Two stubborn sidemen, neither of them wanting to lose the argument. Maybe there was something going on beforehand, because surely this couldn't be the only reason they were at each other's throats.

"You're the one who's always saying he can't defend himself and shit! Then you dare to fuck around with him and complain to us when there's something wrong!" Simons' voice strained.

"Why are you getting so fucking defensive anyways?"

"I'm not! I'm just finally calling you out after years of you being an arrogant asshole!"

"I bet you're fucking in love with him or some shit." Ethan said bitterly.

This was the last straw for Simon, he was seeing red.

"I wish you had of just killed yourself!"


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