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The image that was permanently burnt behind his eyelids - coming to surface with each blink - was certainly something. Not the light-hearted, grossed-out, "Wow, that was something," that came with walking in on your mate jerking off. No, it was more an expression of shock.

An expression of sinful curiosity, but not regret.

Harry rubbed his eyes for the fifth time in the last three minutes, blinking tightly to rid of the swirling patterns that swam through his vision. It was slowly getting unbearable, his eyes being closed longer than not, and a headache was forming. Messy hair fell over his eyes as he shook his head, temporarily ridding the image from his vision.

Floorboards creaked as he stood up, something he was sure Josh would yell at him for if he happened to wake him up. The young blond made his way to the bathroom, turning on the tap to splash his face as if the water was some cleaning product that would clear his mind. Needless to say, it didn't work as he could only stand there, hands on the sink as he stared at his reflection.

Harry was red. Flushed.

A panic was starting to arise - he could cover the mental consequences that came with it, but he wasn't sure if he could explain the physical.

He rushed to slip his shirt off, staying in his boxers as he stepping into the shower, not bothering to turn on the water in favour of just sitting there, cooling down.

It was just his stupid luck that he ended up sharing a hotel space with Josh and Ethan. Just his stupid luck that he managed to pass the latter in such a worked up state. At least the layout of the hotel area was rather spacious, three seperate bedrooms, a bathroom and a living area in the centre to separate them all.

The cool air brushed over his neck, relieving some heat from his face. He chose to keep his eyes open and trained on the door - not that he was worried about someone walking in. Josh was more than likely sleeping and Ethan was... occupied.

Harry must have gotten lost in his thoughts, as he jumped when the door was flung open.

"The fuck are you doing, bog?"

Heart racing, his eyes came to land on Ethan's bare torso, then shot away to the wall, wait - that was too awkward, coming to a compromise of looking down with occasional direct eye contact. Luckily, the older didn't seem bothered, leaning over the sink to brush his teeth.

"I... was going to bath- no! Shower. Going to shower." Harry's face heated up again in embarrassment, staring at Ethan's turned back. (The angle left Ethan oblivious to the gaze, although if he wasn't careful, Harry was sure lasers might just shoot out his eyes).

"Lad, you're sitting down." Ginger curls bounced as toothpaste foamed from his mouth, the brush lazily going back and forth. "And you're in your boxers."

Harry just about melted as Ethan briefly turned, showcasing the muscles in his back with a quick wink.

"You're gonna have to move soon. Need to shower," sounded more like, "Yg' onna av oo oove oon. Eed oo ower." as he spoke with a mouthful of toothpaste. If Harry wasn't listening carefully, the words would've been unintelligible.

After spitting the foamy paste down the sink to gargle mouthwash and dry his face, Ethan turned to face Harry directly. There was silence for a moment as his eyebrows raised, a silent questioning as to why his younger mates cheeks were so red in the cold room.

Harry would be lying if he said it wasn't awkward.

"I wasn't kidding lad, you have to move. Can't shower with you here."

Of course. Harry was surprisingly slow to get up, wobbling on his feet and using a sweaty hand to steady himself. However, he didn't move. "I actually need to shower first. I got here first and all. Besides, you don't have any clothes."

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