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Write an introduction (your name, age, school, pass times, friends, ect).

Simon Edward Minter, aged eighteen and attending Crestwood High school. Currently in sixth form and captain of the football team. Quite well-known around the school, with a few close friends.

Write down how your day was and how you are currently feeling. (This will be a daily thing).

Day was good, got sent to the library to shelve books and almost witnessed a full punch on, but was otherwise uneventful. My current mood is content as of writing this.

• Keep note of any thoughts you are having. (This includes fears, worries, things you are excited for).

No fears, worries or exciting things. Mildly afraid of snakes, but that's irrelevant.

• Keep in mind that no one will be reading this, it it a safe space for you to express yourself. If you would like me to read it, I would be happy to. Share anything you'd like, and update it at least twice a week.

- S.M

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