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I only just got this journal from school, so I missed a few days. I haven't been able to attend school as I've been working, but that's alright.

Although I miss school, I make money for my family and that's what matters most to me. I can catch up on education once we're financially stable, and I'm sure I'll survive a few missed lessons.

This whole writing thing is new to me, Im not usually the type of person to write thoughts and feelings, but I'm willing to give it a go.

I'm deciding to start by why I was first recommended to take guidance counsellor therapy in the first place.

I was told I was overworking myself, and the school noticed my attendance was low. I'll admit, I wasn't coping well at the time, my grades were slipping and my performance on the field wasn't up to the standard it should've been at.

It's better now, I'm not under stress from the school as they understand my struggle, and as long as I can turn up for my GCT appointments and the occasional study period lesson, they don't mind me taking time off. They say I'm an intelligent student anyways, and I hope that they're not lying to me.

The day at work was quiet, which was both bad and good. Bad because we need business, but good because I wasn't feeling too well. A slow day means less money but I get to work on the worksheets the school gives me, and I can take it easy.

A few kids from school are regulars at my family's shop, and one of them showed up during school.

Joshua Bradley, one of my good friends, came in to see how I was going and pick up a few drinks to get him through the day. He was bruised up a bit, and I know better than to ask what happened, but after seeing JJ Olatunji in detention on my way to pick up this journal, I put two and two together.

They're usually at each other's throats, and it's clear to see why. They clash. Josh doesn't back down from a fight, he's calm and aggressive at the same time. JJ is egotistical, and is easy to get a reaction out of.

I don't think I can count how many times I've had to pull out the first aid kit to bandage Josh up after a fight, and I don't think I'd be surprised by the number.

I'm happy to help, but I do want them to stop fighting all the time. I know they could get along if they tried hard enough.

Look at me, writing about others in a private journal that's supposed to be about me. That's one of my toxic traits, I want to fix and help others but neglect myself.

I can't help it, it's a gift and a curse.

But I believe I can work on it, just as I can work on others. Only good things can come out of this journal, I know it.

- Toe-Bee :D

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