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Tobi | 3rd Person
Mattresses, pillows and blankets littered the living room where seven men sat, laughing and smiling as a round of shots were passed around. Tobi didn't drink, but he was told to loosen up, and decided he should at least try and have some fun.

A shot was placed in his hand by Vik, who sat beside him. Unsure what the liquid was, he smelt it, and it instantly burnt his nostrils.

"Lads, what is this?" He asked the group, everyone having the same shot in hand. They sat in a circle, from his right it went Josh, Ethan, Harry, Simon, JJ and Vik, who was on his left.

Harry and Ethan smirked to each other, both being the most experienced with alcohol in the group.
Suddenly an alarm blared from Harry's phone, and Tobi instantly put his hand to his face, cringing.

"The Sambuca alarm!" The pair shouted, resulting in groans and giggles from the lads. Seriously? I can't stand that alarm. Thought Tobi, shaking his head before looking up.

A countdown began and everyone downed their shots, the alcohol burning Tobi's throat. He watched as JJ and Simon did 'odds on' over three shots, JJ losing and sulkily having to down them.

Vik looked to Tobi, shaking his head. Tobi knew that his smaller friend could be a party animal sometimes, but he appreciated that he was responsible with it.

After some more shots and small talk, JJ suggested they all played a game.

"What game?" Simon asked, his head turning to the right to look at his friend.

Tobi rolled his eyes, knowing the night was going to end up in shambles. Any game they chose would cause havoc, and he was prepared to have to calm anyone down if needed.

Simon POV:
After questioning what game to play, the room descended into a silence, everyone in thought. "Would you rather," and "Never have I ever," were among some of the suggestions getting thrown around, but I know what I wanted to play.
Something to cause some trouble, possibly spicing up the night.

"Spin the bottle." I say, meeting confused glances. I knew what the responses would be, but honestly I'm tired of everyone straying away from what might make them appear 'gay'. Ethan and JJ in particular insist they're straight, but I know otherwise. Not calling them gay or anything, but JJ will come out with some mad stuff, and Ethan will do things that I struggle to find "just friendly".

"What?" Vik asked, eyebrows raised in a confused manner.

"Simon, you feeling alright?" Laughed Josh, tilting his head in my direction.

"That's kinda mad you know." Says Tobi.

My shoulders come up in a shrug, and my eyes meet with Harry for a second. An awkward smile forms on his lips as he looks away. His lips... they looked soft and gentle, and I found myself fighting the urge to kiss him. There might be a chance, if everyone can get drunk enough. He's admitted to the guys on multiple occasions that he might be a little bisexual, and wasn't totally sure of himself. If enough alcohol is involved, anything can come off as a drunk 'in the moment' accident.

"Yeah, why not? No feelings, just a bit of fun. Don't be boring, lads." My words are once again met with some confusion, but no protest.

Standing up, I shuffle over to the table from where we're all sat on the mattresses, and grab a few different bottles of alcohol. Once I sit down again, cups are passed around and drinks are filled up, and everyone settles down when I place an empty bottle in the middle of our circle.

"Guess I'll go first then," I lean out to spin it bottle, silently wishing for one person in particular. To my annoyance, it lands on Ethan instead. So close.

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