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They think that I'm going to write down all my secrets and shit so they can read it and share it around, do they?

Fat chance of that, I'm not saying shit.

"Come on, Ethan, it's just a Journal. It will help you."

Yeah fucking right. Should of thrown it harder at his head, might of knocked some sense into him. But no, that's assault apparently. Then I get detention.

The day I decide to fucking show up at school I get after school detention.

Never coming back to this shit hole again. Fucking screw that.

Detention sucks ass.

I don't even get suspended anymore. Why can't they expel me already?

"You're mentally ill, Ethan. It's for your own good that you come to school and see the therapist. Please, he can help you."

Mentally ill.
That's fucking hilarious.
They're the mentally ill ones, not me.

I get out through fucking hell and then they wonder why I don't come back. They wonder why I hate it here. Are they stupid? I don't like school. It doesn't help with anything. The only thing important in life is the fact that I know how to take care of myself.

I'm the only important thing in my life.

How gay is this idea, anyways?

"Write about anything you want. It's a vent book."

Do I look like some neek that likes to write? No, I don't. Only faggots like to write.

Like Lewis.

The fag was reading out some neeky poem. What a fucking idiot. Thinks he's so cool and smart. I laughed him right out of the room. Little bitch was shaking so bad.

I don't want to have to look at gay kids like him.

Boys definitely can't like other boys like that. He's always picking flowers, drawing, painting, writing. That's what girls do. He's so feminine. So gay.

Wouldn't be surprised if I caught him making flower crowns instead of playing football. Or wearing a skirt. Or a dress.

I bet Harry plays dress ups and wears skirts and dresses at home. OH MY GOD I BET HE WEARS MAKE UP AS WELL. HAH.

I've just gotten a phone call from the school. I have to go otherwise they're giving me a fine. What the fuck.

The second I get the chance, I'm burning this fucking book.

- ethanpayne

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