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It was another boring day in the flat, JJ out at another music video shoot or a hook up or something that Simon couldn't be assed to remember. He was out, none-the-less, despite promising that the pair would catch up.

'What a lousy promise that was.' Simon thought to himself, sprawled out on the famous lounge with his bare feet prodding at the carpet below. Once again, he was scrolling mindlessly on his phone, Instagram feed providing no entertainment.

A few hours had passed since Jide had said he would be home, and Simon was beginning to think he never would. Venom laced his mind, already thinking of how he would tell his best friend off, the different insults and-


Simon jumped at the notification sound, a slight flutter of hope that it would be the person he'd been waiting so long for. Fingers fumbling, he unlocked his phone to reveal the message, sighing when it was only his older friend, Josh.

Joshua Bradley

Hey Si, Tobi cancelled dinner tonight and I was wondering if you'd like to come instead?

Not first choice, as usual.

Well I actually had plans with Jide tn, sorry.
Ask one of the other boys, I'm sure they'd love to be your second choice instead.

Bitterness seeped through his message, accidentally taking out his negative feelings on his friend.

You alright lad?
I was just asking, no need to get your panties in a whole fucking tornado man

Simon briefly scoffed, sitting up, ready to have a go at poor Josh.

I bet you'd fucking love to see me in panties Josh. Yeah, that's right, people do know you like guys, not very fucking discreet about it, are you?
And no, maybe I'm not fucking alright but you wouldn't care to know just as you wouldn't care enough to invite me out unless there was a free space and it was convenient to you. Asshole.

Jeez lad, not having a good day are ya?
Wait... people know?

So that's all you care about huh? Your little reputation?
Yeah, that's it. Poor Josh and his sad little gay fantasies getting out to the world.

Simon stop being a dick.
Of course I don't care about my reputation but forgive me for not knowing that everyone knew so much, ok?

Taking in a deep breath, Simon stopped. For the first time that day, he stopped.

I'm sorry Josh, but yeah I haven't been having the best day. Jide promised some stuff but he didn't follow through.

It's alright, I get it.
I would like to see you in panties though ;)

It was a joke, Simon knew that. Most sexual things were a joke in their friendship. However, it didn't stop a rush to surge through him and causing his breath to hitch. He could flirt back, accept the dinner invitation or even just crack a joke, but his fingers automatically typed away a familiar line.

Fuck off, Josh.

Looking up from his phone with a smirk, Simon thought back to all those times those three words were said. In laughter, frustration, even on some occasions fear, it was a very common phrase to use. Simon shared so many memories with Josh, many of them pleasant. They were boys, they would cook and game together back at the shared house, they would often be teamed up as the two oldest in their friend group, and they always shared a certain bond. Josh always knew when something was up, and Simon was persistently stubborn enough to find out what it was, so problems were diffused quickly between the pair. Simon remembered one time when-

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