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The therapist at school told me that keeping a journal about my feelings would help, and I suppose it makes sense. Deep thoughts and feelings aren't always easy to talk about, so taking the time to write about them should work. Right?

I'm not too sure how to format this, and I don't think it's going to be read by anyone who doesn't know me, but I have a few dot points my therapist wrote down which have questions and directions on them that I should be answering here.

Alright, the first dot point says to write an introduction, and in brackets it says 'name, age, school, pass times, friends, ect.'

As of writing this, I am sixteen years old, my name is Vikram Barn and I attend Crestwood high school. I quite enjoy our study periods that we get to spend in the library, the symbol of knowledge and peace in life.

There are a few people I associate with at school, but I don't have the time for any close friends. My mother always says that we go to school for an education, not to socialise as that wastes time. People are problems.

I guess she's right.

That's the first dot point down, and the second moves onto how my day went and how I'm feeling.

Today followed my normal schedule of waking up to make coffee and finish off any work from yesterday. Not that there's usually much, Im good at finishing all work we're tasked with fairly quickly. Then I showered, got dressed and caught the early bus to school, from there I went to the library and caught up on some reading.

Advanced Math and Chemistry both went smoothly, then break was spent reading and eating. After that I had an elective subject, where I did film study, which was uneventful, followed by study period.

Study period, as I mentioned before, usually goes well, but this time another class had sent students out that were causing trouble, and for god knows whatever reason, they had to come to the library. Which means instead of reading and studying, I was forced to help two of the delinquents shelve library books. I wish that I was forced by a teacher, but no, these boys threatened to throw my text books in the bathroom toilets unless I did their shelving work for them.

They shall remain nameless.

After that whole ordeal was over, I had break and Modern History, which were both fine.

Instead of doing my extracurricular today, I was called to the GC (Guidance Counsellors) office, where my therapist met with me and gave me this task.

I've just noticed a side note, saying to write as if there was someone reading who had no idea what's going on. I think that's supposed to sound comforting rather than like an English class.

I should explain this whole therapy journal thing.

So, I see a therapist in the schools GC office, who talks to me about school and any home problems, along with my mental health. See, it started because the librarian picked up on how I often spent my days unaccompanied, which she saw as a problem for some reason. Then, she referred me to the GC.

Since then, the GCT (Guidance Counsellor Therapist) and I have been talking regularly, and today he assigned me this journal. Apparently he has a few other students who he believes will also benefit from this, and a few students who have in the past. My opinion for now stays neutral, so we'll see.

Now back to the dot point, today I am feeling alright. It was a fairly productive day, but just as uneventful and plain as yesterday, and just about all the days before that.

I don't know exactly what I mean when I say I want something to spice up my life a bit, and to be honest, I'm scared. Scared for myself. Scared of myself, maybe.

But whatever it is, it has to be fine.

Everything will be fine.

Signing off, Vik. :)

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