• TN | T 12

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Day two of using this journal, if I'm honest there isn't much to share today. I wonder how long I can stay consistent for, usually I'm not good with things like this.

I have trouble just crossing out days on a calendar, so I'll be shocked if I can keep this up to date. Let's hope I can though.

Only a half day in the shop today. Tomorrow is an off day, so I'll be able to go to school. I'm excited about that. My half day went by quickly and I spent the rest practising football drills with a classmate, Simon.

The thing about Simon is that he's best friends with JJ, and Josh, as previously mentioned, has shit with them both. I'd say I'm a pretty unproblematic person, so they all treat me as an individual, not based on who I'm friends with. Now that I think of it, I'm really proud of them for doing that.

I appreciate all my friends.

Something unexpected did happen today though, JJ actually came into my shop instead of Josh. He rarely comes in, so I was happy to see him. Although, I was a little less happy as I saw the rage the filled his eyes. He was pissed off about something, pacing around with clenched fists and swearing as he waiting for me to clock out. I had to apologise to customers on his behalf, luckily they didn't mind too much.

Once I clocked out for the day I walked with him back to my house, and he explained the day he had. Josh had made a remark about something, and it had set JJ off. They had their little argument which landed them both with a warning, and during study period JJ had gone to his car. It had been keyed.

I almost laughed in disbelief as I heard it. His precious BMW had several white slashes across the sides, and the word "Pussy", carved onto the bonnet.

We talked about it and he calmed down a little, I recommended a few places he could take it to get it fixed up and then he went home with a smile.

He left and I got changed to head over to Simons, but I called Josh on the way.

"Hey, no way did you key JJ's car, man. That's peak, you know."

I could hear Josh smile through the phone and I pictured the shit eating grin on his face.

"Fuck yeah I did. Should've seen his face."

"I did see his face, he came to my shop directly after."

"Oh, right. Yeah, I forgot that you guys talk."

His voice dropped when he said that, but I managed to shrug it off. Shortly after, I hung up and arrived at Simons.

I hope that I can make it to tryouts this week. I was thinking of closing the shop for the afternoon and sneaking off. I know I never go to school, but I really enjoy football, so I'm hoping that I can make time for it.

One day things won't be so busy. I'll be able to have fun.

- Toe-Bee :D

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