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Fuck everything I ever said about being too hard on yourself. Some people deserve to live in a constant depressive state, drowning in all the shitty things they've ever done. All the shitty things they keep doing.

Some people should never be able to see good in themselves, they should hate the person they are and have no respect for themselves whatsoever. They should wake up only to look in the mirror and hate what they see, have a talentless, ugly nobody stare back at them while they begin to cry. I hope they cry themselves to sleep because they can't live with all the bad things they do to people. The bad things they make people feel. The pain and hurt they cause.

Certain people deserve to die. No, not even that. They deserve to live in pain and guilt.

They can all get fucked. Screwed.

I hate people.

I thought people treated others better than themselves. I was wrong. Some people hold themselves so highly while they tear others into little shreds.

Those people deserve worse than hell.

Harry. Harry. Harold Lewis. My name is Harry.
H A R R Y. Is that hard to spell? Hard to say? No?

Then get it right. Stop with all the name calling. My name is Harry. Why can't you just ignore me like everyone else does? Why can't you pretend I don't exist? Why is it so hard for you to use my name?

How hard is it? What have I ever done to you? I've never done anything. Nothing. Not one thing in my whole life that has ever affected you and yet you attack me. Please. Leave me alone.

At least, at the very least, call me Harry, you hurtful piece of shit.

Have a rotter.

Harry Lewis.

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