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Thinking of deleting this.

"Vik. You'd help me hide a body, wouldn't you?" Curiosity fuelled the young ten-year-olds question as he screwed his face up in wonder. Dirt flew from the ground as he kicked it, trying to swing higher then his friend.

"Sure, JJ! With my brain and your muscles, we could do anything. I bet we wouldn't even get caught, too!" Vik wasn't sure if that was the right question to measure the strength of their friendship, but answered happily anyways. He knew that this was JJ's strange way of asking if he could rely on him.

The young, excitable pair smiled together, gradually increasing their height on the swings. Orange washed the blue from the sky as the sun set, they leaned back, holding their feet to the sky. Adrenaline surged their young bodies as they giggled.

"It's like we can fly!" Vik laughed.

"Yeah! But without wings to flap and stuff!"

"Like an aeroplane."

JJ looked confused for a moment, unsure of how Vik had made that connection. His eyebrows knitted together as he thought in silence.

"Aeroplanes have wings." Was all he could think of.

For a reason unknown to JJ, Vik had found this funny, his small giggle only growing when he saw the confusion that plastered his older friends face.

"Yes, but you said 'without wings to flap'. Vik pointed out.

This only threw the older boy into more bewilderment. He tried to piece it together in his mind, but came up short. No matter how hard he thought, he was still confused.

Vik is supposed to be the smart one here.

"Aeroplanes flap their wings, do they not?"

This caused Vik to stop swinging, his small legs anchoring him as they were buried into the dirt below. Tears began to form in his eyes as he burst into hysterics, which only left JJ to awkwardly laugh too.

"I don't get what's funny?" He said, trying to laugh along with his friend.

"Aeroplanes can't flap their wings. The wings are solid, they don't move on their own." Explained Vik once he had finally calmed down enough to get a sentence out.

"Then how do they stay in the air?"

Vik fell off the swing in hysterics again, which JJ found annoying.

I have a valid point. Birds flap their wings to fly. There's even a song about it. I'm sure of it.


The two boys grew up together, their bond only getting stronger. Vik helped to calm JJ down when he got his first pimple, having to explain what it was, then explain twice more when he forgot. JJ helped Vik when he got bullied at school, the latter always being picked on due to his small size. He would scare them off and make sure his friend was alright, then they'd be sure to get cereal and watch a movie afterwards. Vik returned the favour by assisting with school work, assuring him that he did in fact need to learn algebra, and no the letters weren't thrown in specifically to mock him. Aside from school struggles and JJ having the occasional sibling fight, their lives were going pretty smoothly. They couldn't wait to grow up, planning on moving in together.

Birthday parties over the years were always fun. Guests were changing over the years as they lost friends and made new ones, but they could both rely on the other to be the one person who never left them.

Over the years, however, a lot changed. The apple juice and soda they drunk slowly turned into alcohol, the lollipops that hung from their lips became cigarettes. When protection no longer meant wearing a helmet, race issues were no longer about who ran the fastest, and scraping your knee was not longer the worst pain you could feel.

The boys didn't realise it, but slowly and surely, they grew up. 'I'll see you tomorrow' turned into 'on the weekend' which turned into 'next week'. Before they knew it, they grew apart.


A microwave beep sounded over the heavy outside rain, and Vik carefully opened the door. Heat escaped into the surrounding air and he waited a second before taking his lasagna from the centre dish. Balancing it, he took it to his desk, in front of his computer.

His days were almost always spent in front of this computer, typing away important documents and business emails. Recreational time was scarce. He was a smart businessman now, he had no time for games or pastimes. Occasionally he would leave the house to attend a meeting, always being sure to be the first one to arrive.

Vik was the type of man who was early to things. Valuable time was spent on first impressions and introductions, time that he had.

"Loosen up. Come to a party." He'd often be told. Vik had time, but only for things he deemed useful. If it couldn't help him achieve success, he didn't want it.

There was a quiet atmosphere around his flat as he sat down with his fork. Outside, the rain provided a sense of peace to his setting, and for that he was thankful. 

His first bite was savoured, it was warm and the perfect consistency that lasagna should be, in his opinion. The second through fifth bites were devoured a bit faster though, as he got impatient, wanting to consume more of his meal. His sixth bite however, made his face screw up in disgust. It was cold.

Microwave meals, always cold in the middle. What the hell.

Irritated with the meal, he slipped it into the bin beside him, and began to seek for his phone for a source of entertainment.

He was quick to check his notifications. Nothing too interesting was going on, as usual. Strict schedules he had set himself ensured that there was no surprises.

That's why the following came as such a scare.

'KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK.' Vik jumped from his seat, confusion setting in. He wasn't expecting anyone, especially at this time of a night. The floorboard creaked under him as he made his way to the front door, although he was hesitant.

Creaking it open, the door squeaked, causing Vik to take a mental note to go and get some WD-40 later.

He was in disbelief at first.

A sense of alarm immediately filled the air. The cold of the rain assisted with the goosebumps that ran so violently up his arms at the sight.

Only illuminated by the indoor light, a man stood anxiously, fiddling with the sleeve of his puffer jacket. A lot raced through his mind. Impatience. Urgency.

Vik knew something wasn't quite right.

"JJ?" Vik almost squeaked, he was on edge, confused, cautious.

Confirming his suspicions, the man pulled his hood off, a nervous smile meeting Vik's eyes.

"Hey, Vik. Uh, you'd help me hide a body, wouldn't you?"

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