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'What am I even doing here?'

Was a thought that constantly crossed her mind as she inhaled the sickly scent of over-priced alcohol and sweat that lingered through the air. Bodies were all dancing away to the music, guaranteed to be intoxicated. It was a party after all, and JJ Olatunji's party at that. His parties were known to be wild and fun, but that was expected when you factored in the amount of people he knew, along with the money he made. She'd been invited by Tahlia as a 'plus-one', and who was she to refuse? A party was a party.

Mindlessly, she took a drink from one of the many cup trays, blue eyes lazily looking to the liquid inside. Faintly, the lemonade fizzed, small bubbles forming on the surface. It was only when she tasted it, did she realise that it had also had Vodka mixed in, but she didn't mind. The aftertaste caused her to make a face, screwing her eyes shut. She opened them only to have black circles fog her surroundings. Lightheaded, she made her way upstairs in search of somewhere quiet to ease her mind.

After opening the first few bedroom doors, - and disturbing unexpecting couples (oops) - she finally found an empty bedroom. It was a surprise that it was empty considering the size of the bed, but her gaze soon fell to the floor. Dirty clothes were lazily strewn into piles. It made sense, this was someone's room. The bed was soft underneath her as she sat, tugging her shoes off to prevent any more blisters. A sigh escaped her lips at the release, and she flopped to her back.

"You alright there?" A voice asked, causing her to sit straight back up, perhaps a little too fast. She flopped right down again as her head spun. It wasn't long before the mattress sunk, the owner of the voice sitting next to her on the bed. A warm finger traced her forearm, goosebumps trailing up her spine at the touch.

"Sorry. Just a little dizzy." Her words were laced with humor, a small laugh forming at the end of her sentence. Luckily, it hid the embarrassment that flushed her cheeks.

"Yeah, no worries innit. Are you that drunk already?" A faint sense of caring in his words caused her to open her eyes, which comically widened at the sight. JJ Olatunji sat beside her, chest exposed. She wondered what kind of shenanigans the man had gotten up to that led to him in this state, but she didn't mind. He was toned, a nice sight to look at. Perhaps too good of a sight to look at, as JJ - who doesn't notice anything easily - noticed her staring.

"Y'like what you see?"

Yes, she wanted to say. But there was something about the pure cockiness he radiated that made her keep her mouth shut. His ego could do without it.

"What are you doing here anyways?" She opted to ask, steering the conversation clear of anything that might get too heated. Or so she thought.

"Nice ass." It didn't answer her question in the slightest, but she couldn't deny the probably alcohol induced arousal she felt as his eyes scanned over her body. The look in his eyes wasn't something she'd ever seen before, it was almost inhuman. Sheer desire and lust clouded his brown eyes, which couldn't seem to stay still. Constantly they were inspecting a new part of her body, parted lips smiling as they did so.

A smile crept onto her lips, the previous embarrassment turning to a blush that covered her cheeks. Hesitantly, she leaned forward, propping herself onto her elbows, lips moving ever closer to JJ's. It was an intimate moment, feeling his hot breath on her lips. He reeked of alcohol.

He closed the gap, rough lips pushing hungrily against hers, quickly snaking his hand to sit on the back of her neck. Their eyes were closed, but she knew that JJ would have a certain glint in his eye. God, that man was uncontrollable enough as he was, let alone being drunk and horny.

JJ's other hand came to her thigh, causing him to lean over her. With a light squeeze, she gasped in surprise, and he didn't hesitate to slide his tongue in. As the kiss deepened, she fell back, allowing JJ more access, which he happily took. Rough fingers thumbed circles on her thigh as he moved his other arm to hold himself above her so he didn't fall. She whined as his tongue moved around wildly, memorising each part of her mouth, taking in her taste. Once it was finished, it was dragged down her jawline, messy kisses following suit. Soft pants came from her mouth as her skin heated up from the attention, dark hickeys appearing down her throat.

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