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Hello, I am JJ Olatunji and I am 18 years old. My birthday is the 19th of June. I go to school at Crestwood High School. I like school sometimes. It is fun when I play football with my friends.

JJ, you're sounding like a robot, please feel free to put some personality into your writing. No one is going to read these, you can be yourself.
- Mr. A.

Oh, ha. Just got my book (diary?) thing back from sir, and apparently these aren't getting marked. That's good, I hate English work. I thought that these were getting marked and that this is getting sent to my English teacher or something.

Well, this is my first page of this thing. It's some sort of therapy thing I think. My reaction was, "Thats stupid, how can a book be a therapist?" well, actually my first reaction was to complain about having to write, but once it was explained to me it didn't sound so bad. Apparently these help with feelings and shit, but I don't know how.

Anyways, today at school I got detention for the third day in a row, which sucks because this time wasn't even my fault! It's that jerk Joshua Bradley that started it.

He was all like, "Oh, it'd be funny to try to piss off JJ today, hahahaha," like he does. So Simon and me were chilling on the football field and he didn't kick the ball back to us, instead he watched it roll past and walked up to me, asking why Simon kicked the ball at him! Can you believe it?

I was like, "Bro, we wouldn't kick my ball anywhere near you, fam. What the hell, man?"

And he says, "Oi nah lad, keep your shitty ball away from me, blah blah blah."

So I say, "Shut up, go and get the ball so Simon and I can get back to playing already."

Simon agrees, but Josh the wanker glares at him.
"Go get your ball yourself. It's not my fault your boyfriend is too stupid to aim when he kicks it."

Simon isn't my boyfriend, what kind of insult is that? And we have the best aim out of probably everyone at school!

"Nah Josh, stop being a prick, yeah?" Says Simon.

"Shut up, Minter. Learn to kick a ball." Josh says and I think they're about to like fight or something.

Simon replies with, "Next time I'll kick the ball at your massive fucking head if you don't shut up and stop being a dickhead."

I laugh at this, like rah Simon, okay I see you. But then Josh turns to me and tells me to 'control my boyfriend.'

What the hell man? Obviously I punch him, but he swings back and then a teacher comes up just as I land the second punch.

Josh pulls out the, 'he hit me first,' card and the teacher takes ME away. Wanker.

So of course HE gets away with it while I HAVE TO GO TO FUCKING DETENTION AGAIN. BRUH.

He's lucky the teacher came otherwise Simon and I would've smashed his fat head in.

Anyways, right now I'm feeling calm, I'm chilling in my room and watching anime while writing this junk.

That's todays questions answered, so...

KSI out.

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