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| Set in a time where the boys are younger, but still have the progress they've made. Eg; weight loss, hair cuts, girlfriends. Simon and JJ are living together still. Ages are changed so they're closer; Harry, Vik and Ethan are 20, JJ and Tobi are 21, Simon and Josh are 22. |

Sun rays burnt into the 22-year-olds eyes the second they were open, leaving him groaning with the beginning of a headache circulating his mind. Of course, the curtains hadn't been shut last night - another reason adding up to many that made his younger friend a bad roommate. Bad temporary roommate, that is.

Josh shrugged the covers off, already in an irritable state and not the best start to his morning. Checking his phone, he saw it was only eight - meaning he didn't have to be up for another two or so hours.

With the knowledge that he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep, he dragged his tired limbs to his bathroom to freshen up before his mood could get any worse.

After showering, he threw on some sweat pants and dried his hair, walking out the the living room. Josh's eyes met the couch where his roommate was laying, beer in hand.

Really? Josh thought. He's fucking drinking again? It was enough to push him over the edge - reacting in a way he never normally would by storming over there and swiping the bottle from his tattooed hands.

"You're an alcoholic." Was met with no response, the man only rubbed his eye and kept his eyes on the nonsense show playing.

Swallowing a lump of venomous words, the taller man sat the bottle onto the table, beside a few others, and turned off the TV. Without fail, the drunken pile of limbs moved, grabbing out a phone.

"Seriously?" Josh snatched the item from his hands, throwing it down on a seperate part of the couch. "I said you're a fucking alcoholic, Eth!"

"You did?"

Finally, some life in the boys zombie-like movements. It was a relief that he hadn't gone too far past completely incompetent, despite the pile of glass that occupied his once-tidy table.

Josh couldn't count how many times during the past week he had to fix his mate, pulling his shoes off, throwing a blanket on him or taking him to the shower. Slowly, he was getting sick of it.

"For fucks sake. I can't deal with you at the moment." He turned on his heels, anger seething. His face was tinted red, which flushed down his neck towards this bare shoulders. Anger was visible.

"What? Why?" Ethan sat up, holding his swirling head momentarily. With a few blinks, it steadied and he was able to meet the red tint of Josh's turned back. "Don't act like you're any better, Zerkaa."

As if a button was pressed, the older spun back around, face as red as his back.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"The night at the fucking hotel ring any bells? Last I remember, you were begging me to stay up and drink all bloody night with you."

No, Josh didn't remember the night at the Hotel. Evidently by the many videos shared around, he was completely wasted. However, it was a night of vulnerability for him so he felt as if he deserved to have a bit of fun.

He took in a breath, closely watching Ethan's face as it looked straight at the wall, eyebrows twisting with each word. Attitude drained through his drunken slurs and pooled into Josh's ears.

Josh wouldn't be Josh if he didn't give some cheek back.

"Yeah, cause you're so happy to just drop everything to drink all night with anyone else, but when it comes to me— oh no, suddenly you're too tired." The words were chosen carefully, shooting an arrow straight into the guilt-tripping department.

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