• 100 vs 10000 | SIMON & HARRY ✖️

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It's 12:29am when the man finally allows himself to rest, slowly sinking down on the soft leather couch in a puddle of limbs and expensive clothing. A long day of filming can be really draining, regardless of how fun the shoot was. Luckily, today he was on the good team of Josh's newest '100 vs 10,000' hotel video, and he got to relax with his close friends in a luxurious building.

An elongated yawn escaped through his system and his heavy eyes threatened to close for the night, weighed down by the giant energy drain of a fun day. Vikkstar123 was shouting on the screen about a melee kill as his voice faded into upbeat music. Earlier that evening, the guys had been watching and shouting about old montages, and no one had been bothered to change it since.

Fighting off sleep, he was surprised to hear a voice other than Vik's abruptly enter the room, along with very pissed off stomps.

"I can't fucking believe those two sometimes. Like, seriously, it's a Sidemen video and they all of a sudden 'can't make it back' to their own stupid houses!"

Harry raised his eyebrows as an attempt to show he was listening to what Simon was going on about, only just going as far as to give him a glance. When the taller male huffed down beside him, it became apparent that he wasn't going to elaborate without being prompted to.

"What's this about then?"

In a bolt of life, he sprung back off the lounge with flailing arms. "Freezy and Lux! They're lucky they even got invited. Now they keep saying that they can't make it back to theirs, and both Josh and Tobi said it was alright for them to stay!"

Just as Harry was about to punctuate Simons sentence with a hum or an 'oh', he continued.

"Now I've got to sleep on this fucking couch! Josh gave them my bed because it was the biggest, and he said that Tobi has been too nice already taking the stinky room so he shouldn't have to take the couch."

"Why can't Lux and Freezy take the couch?"

Exasperated, Simon flopped back beside Harry in defeat, shrugging as he went.

Harry felt bad for his friend, he had practically been played out of getting a good nights sleep, especially after the big day they had.

So the two sat in a comfortable silence in front of the TV, one with his slender fingers holding his head up, annoyance plastered over his face, and the other in thought.

A brief idea swirled in his mind, forming from the depths and popping in, drawing his attention to it. He physically shook his head, trying to get it to go away. It was a stupid idea.

However, as much as he tried to pay attention to Vik's montage, the idea wouldn't go away.

Harry groaned, mentally preparing himself for what he was about to ask. "Would you by any chance want to sleep in my bed? Like, with me, not in a gay way or anything but I just don't want you to have to sleep on the lounge."

He bit his tongue, holding in the rest of his ramble and waiting for Simons reaction.

Simon perked his head up, eyes portraying a deep confusion. Surely Harry Lewis wasn't offering up bed space... was he? He searched Harry's expression for any sign that he was joking, but came up empty handed.

"Yeah... alright then." He said slowly, testing to see if Harry would try and take back his offer.

When nothing more was said, Simons expression changed - he was surprised. Harry definitely wasn't known for sharing much, especially when there were other options. Not that it made him a bad person, he just likes to keep his things to himself.

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