Chapter - 1

241 34 18

Contest (#BraveTogether)

Wow. I breathe as we step down our car in the driveway. Decoration lights and paper lanterns are hanging all over the drive.

"Boy! I love his parties." Naina says. Her eyes are wide open to grasp all of the surroundings.

His? Well yeah, it really looks great to me although I'm not used to these...vast gatherings. I nod in approval.

Naina tugs me leading me through the green carpet that opens just at the entrance of a ....massive tent. So pretty. My eyes get captivated by the lighting work. Too bright. It has a massive entrance with two fire torches. People move in huge numbers inside the tent –grand and suffocating at the same time.

It is the first formal party of the college year and the first party of my college life.

"Be right here, I'll go grab us a drink."

"But-" Naina runs off without letting me complete. Overenthusiastic.

But then no one can control a party animal.

And I am certainly not one.

I wander like a lost puppy. So many people and my ass don't know even one of them.

You are just new here. Give it some time. I say to myself once more.

A huge chandelier hangs just above the dance floor illuminated by several LED lights. Hmm, Charming. I drift in my thoughts and to the beautiful melodic piece playing in the background.

Everything around me is new. I feel out of place sometimes. My first year is gonna be exhausting trying to fit in the new life that I'm provided. Not that I regret coming here, I will take some time to absorb everything.

After all, this is why you have been sent here.

"You need to get a life!" My grandmother's words run in my head.

Obviously, I am a nerd! Something I'm not really proud of and I can't help it either; I was forced into it till it became a habit. My mother and granny were excited more than me when I bagged the scholarship and although my Dad was against me coming to a completely new town in the hills, they managed to convince him.

Naina is my roommate. We share an apartment. She was too pleased when I shifted with her last week...which only resulted in me cooking for both of us. And she can be persistent when it comes to a party. I couldn't say no.

"Are the lights beautiful?" A whisper near my ears made me jump and soon my eyes meet with a pair of most beautiful chocolate brown eyes. "OH! I never wanted to interrupt."

He is a gentleman in a black suit with intense eyes. He is tall and ...attractive. He smiled beautifully with his perfectly symmetrical lips. His scent was fresh, peppermint.

"They are spectacular."I blurt out without realizing I was staring deep into those eyes. "The lights", I add hastily.

"Of course they are", He smirks. "First-year?"

"Yes." I croaked and cleared my throat.

He was looking at me with his relentless eyes. As expected I was the first one to look away.

"There you are!" Naina comes shouting towards us with two crystal glasses filled with ...something. She looks at us and frowns. "You two meet each other already?"

"We were just introducing ourselves when you interrupted." He says curtly and I try hard not to laugh.

Naina rolls her eyes at him and chooses to ignore his blunt comment. Turning her attention to me she says, "He's Karan! The one I told you about; he is the host of this beautiful party."

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