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We arrive at the CCD right at the corner of our university campus. It is exactly 2.5 km away from the main building and 5 km away from our apartment. I'm new here and also don't take interest in maps. I did today because I am nervous.

Chill. It isn't as if he is gonna ask you out.

"I'll go get our orders," Karan says and stands in a queue in front of the order counter.

I grab a seat at a corner table beside a window.

The shop starts to fill up. There were mostly students and couples for a date...or maybe just came for a random coffee to become friends just like us.

A noisy group takes the seat just behind me. And when I say noisy I mean deafening. I turn back to see five boys in basketball jerseys with the emblem of our college. Can't they talk a little softly?

Karan clears his throat to makes me aware of his presence. He places a tray with two glasses of coffee and two chocolate cupcakes on the table.

"Starting a friendship with something sweet." He passes my coffee and a cupcake with a small smiley.

I smile at his cute gesture.

"You look good now." He observes.

"Yeah. Thanks to you."

"You're welcome. You know I'm kind", he teases. "And helpful ...and friendly ...and-"

"Charming?" I blurt out. Shit!

He looks at me surprised. "Charming? Yes, a little bit of that too? Did I charm you?"

Okay, so I could play fine too. Got you!

"No. Not me. My Dad though. I saw you two got along pretty well", I say.

"He is a very private person", I add.

"I am glad someone gave in." He stirs his coffee. His fingers work in a perfect rhythm.


"You don't give away much. I noticed. You were quiet most of the time." He noticed me?

"I speak according to the necessity", I shrug.

And he laughs.

The noise behind us grew even more. They are cheering now.

"Moreover people get bored listening to me", I bite on my cupcake. It melts in my mouth.

"I don't. Maybe you were talking to all the wrong people before." He says and it makes me smile. It was a simple sentence but it was overwhelming. I look back on my previous years. Maybe he is right. People hardly understood me.

"Enough about me. You even met my parents. It's your turn." I wanted him to look anywhere but my eyes.

He clears his throat. "Hi! I'm Karan. I'm doing Botany; graduating this year looking for a good placement as a researcher."

I'm impressed. "I always wondered what it would be like to talk to plants and read about them."

"Oh, I do it all the time. I have a good collection at my apartment. You are always welcomed..." he says. "I mean I could just show you around." He looks down and sips his coffee.

"Sure," I say and his eyes light up again. "But doesn't it get creepy? - talking to plants. Do they respond?" I laugh.

"They do. I play guitar to them and they respond with pretty flowers", he grins.

I nod and sip my coffee. He plays guitar too.

He was staring behind me, now. At those basketball guys.

"You know them?" I ask.

"Sort of. They are basketball players from our college", he says displeased.

He despises them, I think. I follow his eyes to the person sitting right in the center. Maybe just one of them. He is sitting idle as if not even a part of the group. He scowls back at Karan.

And then he looks at me, I look front immediately.

"So you are standing in the elections too?" I try and change the topic.

"It makes a good resume", he nods.

"You live alone? What about your parents?"

No answer.


"Um...yeah my Dad runs a textile business in Mumbai", he says hesitantly.

"What about your Mom," I ask and immediately regret. Crap why did I ask that?

"She passed away a few years ago." Did I hurt him?

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have -"

"It's fine. Don't apologize." He cuts me off.

The air around us grows thick. Both of us focus on our coffees. Shit such a stupid question. I curse and mentally kick myself.

"I think we should um -"

"Hey man! Wanna join us?" A guy from the group asks. "With Karthik", he adds and laughs pointing towards the guy sitting in the center. He closes his eyes frustrated.

No. it isn't getting better. The guy...Karthik is a lot more ...muscular than him.

Karan looks at me for a moment and gets up. "Sure." Male ego.

Fuck Karan no!

"Karan stop. You don't have to", I say but he won't listen.

What if things get heated up? I don't know how to handle boys. Being the only girl present here stresses me out.

Karthik's teammates force him into this fight. He stares at me awkwardly and then leans on the table.

Karan leans against the counter resting his waist on the edge of the table and keeps his right arm standing on his elbow. There is no point in stopping them now. The only thing that can be done is - going with the flow.

Everyone present in the shop gathered around us to witness it. It's not new people enjoying things they shouldn't. The players start cheering for their group as they grope each other's hands.

I look at both of them. What they share is more than a competition. But I cannot sense it.

I wanted Karan to look at me but he was too occupied with pushing his opponent's arm on the flat table.

"Who do you think is gonna win?" A girl asks peeping through the crowd and I wanted to shut her face. Doesn't she notice the tension blaring between them? But one thing could be done.

"I think Karan's gonna win. Why don't you cheer for him?" I say and that stupid girl...she starts shouting KARAN over her throat. Does she even know him? Of course not. But who cares when you get to watch something interesting.


Soon everyone started chanting his name. The trick had worked!

I shout too and our eyes met for a brief second. He smiles at me.

Both of the boys are applying equal force at each other's arms trying to push it down. For a time it is too hard for us to judge the winner. And then...

Destiny or irony, call it anything because there was a big power cut right when the game was coming to an end.

People groan annoyed. But maybe it was for the best.

I managed to pull Karan out.

"I could have easily defeated him", he says.

"I noticed", I say and laugh internally.

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