
35 11 6

"When did Tennessee adopt the constitution that abolished slavery?" We had started the lesson: US history.

And Dhriti is a very sincere student. My student.

"Ok...ok don't tell me! I'll tell", she says, "1870."

"Absolutely." She is improving. "The last one; which US state abolished slavery first?"

"Pennsylvania. In 1780." She replies in a go. I'm genuinely impressed.

"Very good. The session ends here. You may take your break now", I say in a professional tone.

"Yay!" She booms. All students shoot daggers in our direction.

"Shh. It's a library keep it low." I shush her. Last time she got us kicked out of here. "Getting kicked out again is not good for your reputation."

"Doesn't matter. I'm happy." She folds her books and notes energetically. "Let's go!"

She has been ultra cheery these days. Since we bunked together. I'm happy to see her this way and it makes me see myself as ten feet tall that I managed to help her out.

We are getting quite well with each other. It's crazy how I'm able to make so many friends in such a less time.

"You saw how that fatso glared at us?" She asks as we saunter out of the library.

"Clearly we broke the most essential rule of the library. Not once but twice. Of course, she would be angry. She is the librarian after all."

"Whatever. She'll always be a cow."

She is the only woman that feels at home in this institution.

"What are you doing later this evening?" She asks.

It's a no if she is asking for a bunk. Again.

"I am –"

"Mira I immediately need your help, that-" Karan shoots like a gun emerging from the other end of the corridor. And stops seeing Dhriti beside me.

They hold each other's gazes a little longer.

"You were saying something?" I interrupt their ...whatever conversation.

Karan turns his attention to me, acknowledging my presence once more.

"It's fine. I'll see you tomorrow."

She turns and leaves giving me a swift nod.

What just happened right now is a little hard to comprehend.

"Were you saying something?" I ask him again.

"Um –yeah I... the teacher just asked about my research report. It is a supreme zero on my study accounts if she finds out that I haven't even reached halfway through."

He says it in one breath. After processing, I speak."So?"

"So?!" he stressed the word. "You're my bench mate, my classmate, my best mate and you ask so? Help me!"

Best mate? Is that even a word?

"Fine. What do need help with?" I say throwing my hands up in exasperation.

"Research. Essay. And with the confidence to shove my work on her face." He says scrunching his nose. He looks like a little cute boy while doing so. "Let's go."


"To my apartment", he shrugs.

I look at him wryly.

"What? Am I a crazy serial killer you feel insecure with?" he asks shocked.

I trust him but still am not convinced.

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