Mina Ashido

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(I've changed this book to yandere but kept the non yandere ones so go to the chapters past "IMPORTANT NOTICE" for all yandere stuff owo)

Owo my first female character
Please enjoy, a bit cliche but that's okay owo

                .Melted words.

She was in the glowing lights her pink skin shining vividly with different colors as she danced around on the dim floor of  the dorm room where momo had miraculously hung color shifting lights so quickly

You chuckled a bit as the pink lights went on her skin making her a hot pink wich was a sight to see compared to her usual baby pink.

You would also have to be a fool to admit you weren't jealous of the way she danced with Sero, but you knew he was just a good friend.... Maybe....

You sighed in defeat of your thoughts as you tried your best to not think of your crush already with someone

She was a party animal
A great freind with energy
A bit mischievous and sneaky
But all in all she was your hero

The streets where quiet and dark as you enjoyed a normal walk outside in the dark
Daring, your freind's would say... If you had any
But as you where walking a man, he came from no where and demanded money
You didn't want to use your quirk in fear of hurting him.
You denied him and you tried to back away put he held you at knife point and as the blade was at your neck all you could think of was your last moments
You where petrified
Out of nowhere a girl who was all pink jumped in
Not that you wanted someone to help, you just didn't want someone hurt for your sake, but you did appreciate it greatly from them

They stuttered but she managed to talk the man down and he tisked rethinking his options before running off while you where stuck in your daze still wondering what this person was thinking and if they where just insane

"Are you okay!" they asked with a relived and surprised voice as they turned to you

You where knocked from your mind as you looked at them wide eyed

"T-thank you, I'm fine" you said as you still watched them entranced by their pink bouncy hair and deep yellow and black eyes

"Phew, that guy was scary, I'm Mina by the way" they held out their hand and you took it gently in yours

"(Y/N)!" You said finally realizing what just happened fully as you pulled your self from your head and shook her hand

"I'm (Y/N" you repeated

You smiled gently at the memory and made your way out side to take a small breather.
When you sat on the bench you looked high to the sky and watched the twinkling stars as they floated above you.

In your own distracted head you hadn't noticed the new presence that sat next to you until you turned your head and saw her.

"Hey Mina" you said with a small smile as you looked at her calm demeanour, it was a completely different mood from when she was inside and dancing

You smiled glad she was able to relax herself that much around you and patted the seat next to you for her to sit down

"You know, if you keep dancing so much you might use all your energy" you laughed out and she laughed with
   "OH COME ON, I got moves no one's ever heard of, I gotta give em a good show" she energetically said as she started doing a small dance on the way over to the bench where she then proceeded to sit down
"*Sigh* what are we ever going to do with you" you said dramatically and laughed as she slightly pushed your shoulder

You both looked back at the sky and watched the stars before a heavy weight was put on your shoulder
You looked down and a gentle smile met your face as you saw the sweet pink hair of Mina on your shoulder

You looked back at the stars and rested your head on hers before letting the peaceful night lull on

You both did this alot, you came out to look at the stars and smiled as you did so always resting your heads on one another's
At first it seemed friendly and like a thing between freind's even if it made your stomach do flips
But then a subtle change in Mina made you know it was more than some freindship thing
But you could never 
After about 10 minutes Mina sighed in content and dissapointment as she stood up

"I should head back they probably miss me and my awesome moves" she said jokingly with a a small twirl and both you had laughed at that
"Yeah" you said quietly and she nodded before turning around slowly

She was hesitant
Very hesitant in her walk back even if the door was right there

And you knew she was waiting
Waiting for you to say it
Waiting for you to speak up
You where unpredictable to everyone and she only slightly knew your true feelings of her but she wanted to be sure

"Mina!" You said and she quickly turned around very expectant
"I-I, wanted to say that-" you looked her in the eyes and saw the gleaming hope
You couldn't get words out as you chocked on the and you fumbled over sentances
"I'm-...." You wanted to say it so bad, but you couldn't
"I'm, glad I know you... Mina" you said as you wrapped her in a hug not able to say it for real
She understood this
She understood that you couldn't say it yet
And neither could she
So she would wait
Wait until you could
Or even she could
And as she wrapped her arms around you all you could think was
'Im sorry, I can't say it yet... But I will soon'
She then made her way inside and you sat back down and watched the sky in a trance full of thoughts
"you managed to melt my heart... So I'll muster up the courage and tell you, I don't know when, but I will"

Holy sizballs I took forever on this
I'm so sorry about that T~T I hope you enjoyed my short story
Yay the first girl and next is Momo owo

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