Mei Hatsume

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I'm feeling really 🏳️‍🌈 this week so heres another female one owo.


"I'm almost done, this will be my perfect invention, I would call it my perfect baby but that would be weird since it's programmed to love me like a girlfriend" Mei laughed slightly as she cranked the wrench

"Wait, your telling me you can make an entire life, and your using it for romance" Iida deadpanned as he watched Mei work

"Yep, that's the plan" she laughed before cranking one last bolt in

"Well you could have just asked someone" Iida mumbled with a blush

"What was that, I didn't hear anything" Mei said turning around.

But as she turned around she bumped into her new invention and it fell over landing on its mother board compartment

"Oh no!" She shouted before opening up its panel to look at it.
She examined it for a bit and didn't see anything wrong before closing the panel

"Well that was a close one" she said with a relived sigh.

"Why the motherboard, aren't you worried about the outside dents or joints at all" Iida asked

"Oh that, it's nothing, it's just that if the motherboard had so much as one single chip in any of it's components this invention might turn out just a teeny tiny bit... Insane" she laughed at the end as if it was no big deal

After standing up the invention she laughed before stepping back and taking a look at it.

"It looks so... Real" Iida whispered as he looked at the silicone lining that made up most of its face and body.

"I know right, now let's get some clothes on it because it will be embarrassed when it wakes up" she said with a laugh and Iida jumped in realization



"And three, two, one" the click of a switch was heard and the whirring of a system fan was heard as the invention roared to life.

And there you where
Born from the mechanic works of Mei's hands, made to serve as her loyal lover

"Good... Afternoon my love, I am (l/n) (y/n) but my friends call me (nickname), I am here to serve as your capable lover.... Mei Hatsume" you responded the moment you whirred to life

Your eyes slowly stopped glowing with a bright light to reveal (e/c) in it's place.

"They're Perfect!!" Mei squealed

"Astounding" Iida whispered as he pushed up his glasses by the side

"Please save your complements, it's truly embarrassing" you responded with your voice finally tuning in

"Oh my apologies" Iida responded as Mei rejoiced

"Oh your absolutely perfect!!" Mei yelled as she hugged you while your system registered joy at the thought of her hug.


"Mei dearest, you're sad today, what for" you said walking up behind her as she kept her head down on her desk.

"Oh it's... Just a really big invention that could have gotten me set up with my dream job! And it failed the moment we where showing them off" she wailed in shame as she cried

"There there dearest, you will still have better chances, there's no need to be sad" you tried to sooth her with a hand on her back

"NO I WON'T, YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND... You're not made to understand sadness... You're... Not real... And I've let my selfishness carry on for too long because you're just... Another invention" she said getting sadder and sadder with each word seeing as she had formed a real connection to you
After all you where her perfect preference.

Except for the small detail of having a chip in your memory card.

"I think it's time to shut you off" Mei said and you tilted your head

"For the night... But it's only lunch time dearest" you said and she sighed

"For good" she said and tried to approach you.

You grasped her hand as she reached for the panel in your arm and you glared at her

"I'm sorry but I can not allow you to do that, you need me... You made me... And you love me, just as I love you, and


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