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We all know our precious vilians need a quicker accessed healer, so lets see what happens when we bring you into the equation.

PLATONIC: This is all more of a family bond and you are at least 9 (sorry that your so young)

WARNING: mentions of child neglect, please proceed with caution

You didn't want to do this anymore.
You just wanted a bed, and food, even a snack would do, just something to tip off the painful clenching in your gut as you could feel your stomach shrinking slowly, and a few more days like this and you could possibly die.

Even you at your young age knew that, even if you didn't know anything else about this world after escaping that torturous house.

You almost wished you were back there sitting on the small mat in the corner and waiting for a bag of bread ends to ration for the week.

But you couldn't wish that now when you'd gotten so far away from there.
But for now you lay curled up against the wall of an abandoned building shivering and hoping for some sort of comfort.

Fear coursed through you when you heard someone mumbling to themselves as they walked closer

You peaked up to see them leaning against the wall a good 4 almost 5 feet away.

You watched as they went silent and stared at the sky in boredom, their face had a scar in the middle that seemed to look like he was nearly split in half and he had blonde hair with a lit cigarette in his mouth.

He didn't seem to notice you as he kept talking to himself

"Damn, Dabi seems a bit pissy right now, Shigaraki is not going to like it when he comes out of his room" he said and your ears perked up

You only heard your mom mention that name once saying it was a 'villain', of course you weren't sure what a villain was so your natural instinct was to ask.

"Who's Shigaraki" you asked as barely a whisper and they snapped their head twords you.

"Well shit" he said in surprise as he just looked at you.


"Hey'o boss man I found this thing outside!" He said as he walked into a bar area with a black and grey mask on.

"What abomination did you bring now- WHY IS THERE A CHILD IN THE HIDEOUT!!!" A scratchy voiced man screamed as he stood up from his barstool
Twice shifted you in place on his back making sure you didn't slip.

"Because I brought them in here, why else you crusty boss man"

"Did you consider the fact that maybe you SHOULDN'T have" Shigaraki screeched at him

"Aww come on crusty man, they're so cute" said a blonde girl with space buns as she ran up to you making you shrink into twice's back as she tried to poke your cheek.

"Aww they're shy" she cooed at you but you made no move to say anything back

"I hate kids" a man said monotonously from a booth.
"Let's just get rid of it, and quick" he said and held up one hand full of blue flames
Your eyes went wide but not in fear, you were in fact intrigued by the flames that emitted from his hand while he ever so casually stood up

"It's just a kid idiot, woah man no need to be hasty" twice said and turned to slightly hide you from him

But you, instead of running from a possible near death encounter, slid down from twice's back before he could react to you, and walked over to look at the blue flames closely.

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