angst ideas

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I know I said I would do a sister headcanons but I wanted to do this because I haven't progressed on the sister one

But this is just short little angst scenes I thought up and might be fun to read (also sad to read)

Use any character you want for these little skits owo.


~Let me~

"If we could just talk I could let you do things darling" they say and you couldn't focus on anything but the rage

"NO, You can't, your dragging me down because you can't let go! You won't let me outside you won't let me of these stupid chains... I just want out" you shout and get weak at the end of your sentence


That's all you were

"But you will just run" they say and you sigh dissapointed

"So that's what it comes down to... Your trust in me... Why can't you just-.... Why can't you let me go"



~A last stand~

"So that's how it is?" They ask as you stare into the distance at the setting sun

"Yeah... That's how it is" you say quietly not looking at them because if you looked into their eyes right now... You'd be trapped again

"Well... Its good to see you again at least... It's like a last stop before I reach hell" they muttered the last bit but you just smiled lightly

"Yeah... Maybe we could retry this whole thing if we get to go back" you said taking their hand in your own as you looked at the now fading sun

"Yeah... Me too... I'm sorry... But I'm glad I get to see you here... At our last stand"

You looked over to their tear filled eyes and a few tears pricked your own as you saw them fading away in an ashy mist floating downward

You noticed that you where floating up in a white dust where you stood going to a different place than them and your entwined hands slowly started fading together

"Me too"


~should have~

"There are so many things to say... How can I say them before you leave me again" you said as they stood in the doorway

"I don't know... But I won't be back so you should say them" they said trying no to look at you

"That's a lie... You always come back...and you always do the same thing again... You leave"

"...that's because I think I can stay without hurting you" they said and you nodded

"You repeat the same things over every time" you said and they chuckled a bit

"Maybe next time I'll do something I should have before"



"But why do you have to leave?"
"Because I can't stay"
"Why can't you stay?"
"Because you'll hurt me"
"But why do I hurt you?"
"Because you don't love me"
"But I thought I do?"
"This isn't love"
"But why we can't make it that"
"Because you won't"
"But why won't I?"
"I don't know"
"No... No more buts... I have to leave... And I won't take you with me anymore"


~dead weight~

"Just a little further love... And when we make it I'll fix everything I promise" they said with one of your arms around their shoulder and then limping
"I promise I won't hurt you again, I'll let you go out and have fun, I'll trust you, I'll make everything better again and we can be back to normal" they say whimpering there sorrys as they carried on
"Doesn't that sound good love"



"Please... Dont leave... I can carry you I know we can make it there just answer me please"


"Please?... At least take me with you"

"Let me die too"



Hope you enjoyed

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