The Squads

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(I've changed this book to yandere but kept the non yandere ones so go to the chapters past "IMPORTANT NOTICE" for all yandere stuff owo)

I had a nightmare so I wanted to put how they would all make you feel better owo


You groggily walked out of your dorm room on the Saturday morning and let the light comfort you.

You were practically jumping out of your skin when a person would walk by so you tried to calm yourself but failed to.

"Hey bro you okay?" Kirishima asked sitting down next to you
It calmed you having someone else close by so you just simply nodded and he raised a brow

"Come on dude you can't expect us to think your okay when you're all skittish and jumpy like that" Denki said suddenly appearing behind you.

"Don't!... Sneak up on me like that" you said screaming the don't part but quieting down

"Wait... Why are you so scared.... Did someone hurt you, who hurt you I'll mess em up, wait were you ...*gasp* were you sexually harassed" Mina freaked out grabbing your shoulders and pulling you in for a hug

"What... I... No! It's a a stupid reason anyway there's no need to know" you said defensively

"Hey you can tell us, we won't make fun of you" Sero said and you looked him in the eyes to see he was telling the truth
"I... *Mumbles* I had a nightmare" you said but they all raised there brows

"Honey your going to need to raise your voice a bit" Mina said in her sisterly tone

"I had a... Nightmare!" You said getting it out
For a minute you thought they were going to laugh but when you felt a pair of arms wrap around you you felt safer

"We got you bro, no worries" Kirishima said as he hugged you
Soon Denki wrapped a blanket around you and Mina joined in the hug while Sero gave you a small strip o tape to play with before hugging you as well.

While you fiddled with the tap you all chatted and suddenly bakugou walked in the room holding a few plates/bowls of (fave food).
Your eyes widened as he set a plate in front of you shyly and set it in front of the others as well

"Thanks man"Kirishima said picking up his food while keeping one arm around you and you picked up your food as well.

When you put the food in your mouth you smiled a bit and looked at bakugou with a thankful nod as he tisked and looked away with a small blush of embarrassment.

Your freinds we're the best


The early morning was your worst time this past week
You kept waking up to these nightmares and they got worse and worse each day.

You sighed as you, walked down to the kitchen of the dorms and got a glass of water
For some reason you freind Midoryia stood there with a cup of coffee and a slight smile when he saw you.

"Hey" he said and you nodded back
He watched you while you got your water seeing how uncomfortable you were
"You okay?" He asked and you jumped a bit
"Y-yeah I've just been having these weird nightmares lately" you said sipping your water

"Nightmares are no fun, why didn't you tell anyone" Ochako said popping out of no where

"I was afraid you would make fun of me" you mumbled and randomly from behind you Iida popped up as well

"Of course not, nightmares are a natural state of mind expressing your unconscious fears and emotions, I'd be concerned if you haven't had one" he said and you smiled a bit

"I think it's good you said something ribit" Tsu said from the stair way with Todoroki afterward

"Thanks guys... But it's kinda difficult to get my mind off it" you replied and they all cooed awww at the same time

You felt a pair of arms from behind you as Ochako lifted you up using her quirk while squeezing you in a comfortable hug

"You can borrow my all might plushie if you want" Izuku said pulling a squishy all might stuffy out of nowhere and handing it to you while Tsu got out a board game
"Let's play this together" she said and pulled out a multiplayer game
"I can make small snowflakes to cheer you up" Todoroki said monotonously, remembering what his sister used to do for him
"I'll put on some warm tea,I've heard it soothes the soul" Iida said as he got the kettle ready

As you watched them do their best to comfort you, all you could do was smile.


I wanted to do the teachers but I realized with all the shit older pros have seen a nightmare would barely be scarry to you.

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