Uraraka Ochako

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Part 106
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You heard the advice that Toga gave to Uraraka on the summer camp trip, you didn't think anything of it, you trusted Uraraka.

She was your best friend so of course you would trust her.

But something about what Toga said just... Struck you.

You didn't notice it until it got too extreme.

One day Ochako just started to be familiar to you.

At first she would just say the small greetings you did, then she started to dress a little more like you.

You probably shouldn't have complemented her outfit but that was the first thing you did when you saw her wearing the same brand necklace, shirt and bottoms as you.

You didn't think a thing of it

Until she practically was you.

She was so like you that no one could tell the difference
She changed her hair the same style as yours she wore the same clothes she said the same things and moved the same way.

And you couldn't take it anymore

You had to stop her.

It was so out of hand that she never left your side.

She was always looking at you

"You have to stop this okay... Don't get me wrong I'm flattered, I expected me to be the last person you would want to be like but the advice Toga gave you... She's wrong okay" you said to her
She just gave a crooked smile and a laugh that unsettled you.

"What are you talking about, I don't want to be like you... I just want you" she said and you gulped feeling an odd sense of fear

You looked around the empty halls hoping at least one person was there to see what was happening
Maybe they could help you if you needed

But there was no one, it was practically desolate as you both spoke.

"That's great, but um... The whole changing thing it... It creeps me out Uraraka... Just... Go back to normal and then... Maybe we can get like a coffee together alright" you said 

Her eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store as she looked at you and she smiled widely showing to many teeth in the process

"A date with you, I'd love to, I promise I'll change to be whoever you want" she said and you shook your head

"No, no that's not what I mean, yoi don't have to change for me, just don't copy me" you said and her eyes went wide

"Anything for you!" She shouted with Glee
"No you don't get it, not anything for me, don't be like that just stop" you said getting frustrated with her

She tilted her head with a deepset frown

"What do you mean, are you leaving me, oh my gosh your leaving me because I'm not good enough aren't you!" She said and you took a step back when she dropped to her knees and started begging you to stay with wide tear filled eyes

"You can't go I won't let you!! YOU HAVE TO STAY!!" She started going haywire and you backed up more as she reached out to cling to your legs

You didn't let her grab you before you ran off hearing her anguished and crazed shout


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