Mina Ashido

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I drew a good hand... I'm proud of it owo it also originally had a credit card between the pinched fingers but that covered too much hand


"So my faithful love, how doth thou like today's sky" Mina said as she brought over a bowl of oatmeal.

"Its fine" you responded drearily
"I must have webs in my ears, for thyne has spoken a strange way" she said as she smoothed out your hair with one hand

"My apologies love, tis a bleak sky today, but the sight of you is a great ease on the eye" you responded picking up a smile as you turned your head to her and she patted your head with a smile before taking a seat across from you.

"Oh tell me love, doth thou remember the day we laid eye upon each other, ah twas a day of joy" she sighed dreamily
Your jaw flexed ever so slightly and you nodded your head

"Indeed" you responded and took a bite of your oatmeal

"Hast thyn come down with the cold, you seem off this morrow" she said to your vague response.

"... When are you going to stop pretending?"

"Why darling I haven't a clue of what thyn mean, thou hath clearly woken up in a strange mood" she said giving a warning glare to you

"Shut up Mina ... Stop pretending like this is all fine, like it's healthy for both of us"

"Dearest... What doth thyne accuse of me, it seems like you've gone mad" she laughed a little while placing a hand on your forehead

"God damnit quit already" you said slapping the pink hand away
"This isn't real, the way we talk now is supposed to be long gone, the clothing we ware is ridiculous, we don't even love each other!!!" You shouted at her face making her halt

It was silent for a minute
And then one more

And then a small strained giggle erupted from Mina.

"I don't care if it's real or not, this is a fairytale, MY PERFECT fairytale, and your Bullshit of not loving me won't change that"

She grabbed you by the collar of the shirt and growled in your face "you do love me, because this it the PERFECT romance you don't GET a choice. Now I will say it again
Hath thine gone mad, or come down with cold" she said and you shook in place

You thought for a moment stareing into her dangerous eyes like looking at death and back

You gulped before nodding

"Of course not dearest, I'm as fit as a fiddle, don't concern yourself with me at the moment. After all, this is the... Perfect fairytale"

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