Shota Aizawa

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This one's longer because I didn't write for ,3?, Days before my Denki one.

Anyway enjoy~


RELATIONSHIP:Father, teenage child


You and your dad got along great, you had full days where you would bond, you would spend AT LEAST and hour together every day, and he treated you like you where the world.
But every so often he would have one of these days, where it was like letting you out of his sight was close enough to death.

Normally it would only last a day and maybe a day and a half.

But this had been going on all week. To the point where he brought you to work with him, he was buying you things to keep you entertained while he was busy he kept buying you snacks and he would go so far as to drag you in his sleeping bag if you tried to divert your path from his.

You knew what this was about.

It's always the same thing when this time of year came around.

The week you both lost your mom.
And he wouldn't have it happen to you, he was so paranoid ever since she died, he thought that you would go too.

But for awhile you managed to escape down the halls and you ran into a bubbly girl named Uraraka (Omg lol, I tried saying Uraraka in the microphone keyboard and it came out as baraka)

She was the cutest girl you had ever seen, she was so nice and you two chatted for a bit and traded numbers.

You really liked her but you where dragged off by the waist with your dad's capture scarf around you so you couldn't tell if stopping your escape to talk to her was worth it.


It had been awhile since the week your dad got all paranoid, things went back to normal... Well except for one thing

You started to date Uraraka, without telling your dad... And today was the day you had to tell him, because there are no lies between you two.

"Dad" you said taking a deep breath and he looked at you with all his attention
"Is something up?" He said while turning off the tv he was watching.

"Well you see... Don't freak out... But I'm dateing someone, and I really wanted you to know" you said and he tensed up

"Who?" He asked and you started to freak out seeing the look on his face.

"You already know her" you said and he inhaled through his teeth and it sounded like a hiss as he pinched the bridge of his nose

"It's one of my students isn't it" he said and you slowly nodded

"Wich one" he said while getting closer

"Uraraka" you admitted and her sighed again

"I don't want you to be hurt but... Uraraka isn't as good as as you think" he said and you looked up in surprise

You didn't have reason to NOT believe your father, but you didn't see a reason to believe him either.

"I don't think that!" You said getting louder and he crossed his arms

"The world isn't always what we believe, and neither are people, your not going to date her, or anyone for that matter, I want you to tell her your breaking up right now" he said sternly and your blood boiled



And you where aware that you just yelled at him but you where hurt that he yelled back, he rarely did that and if it was it was for a good reason.

You wanted to argue and you got ready to speak again but he cut you off by pointing in the direction of your room

"Go" he said leaving no room for argument


It was the middle of the night and you felt bad for yelling at him.

You knew he was awake at this time because of the papers he has to grade so you decided to go and apologize.

You walked down the stairs but you where hesitant to leave the stairs and walk into the living room

You didn't know why but the gut instinct to not move swarmed your stomach and your feet where frozen like someone had grabbed hold of your ankles and held you to the ground.

You heard strange noises it squished and made a sheathing noise before you finally started to move forward

Slowly walking through the arch way you called for Aizawa

"Dad?" You asked and looked into the living room to see him scrambling to stand up.

When you looked at him you saw his body covered in blood and a body on the ground.

Your stomach dropped to a painful degree and you stared in shock.

"D-dad?" You asked in horror as you saw the knife in his hand

"Listen, you weren't supposed to see this I swear, now just calm down and-"

"Calm down, Calm down!? THERE'S A DEAD BODY ON THE FLOOR!!" you panicked

"I know this is scary but it's for your own good kiddo now just calm down and we can talk about this"

"Who is that" you said and he slowly started to get quiet

"Who. Is. That" you said slower fearing it was who you think it is, despite missing their head the shape was very recognizable

"I think you know, now, go sit on the couch and we can talk about this in a minute" he said but you shook you head

"No, you're insane dad, what the hell have you done!" You said trying to run only to be caught in tape and dragged across the floor towards him

"Watch your mouth kiddo, I think you need a nap, you're getting cranky"

"No! Let me go" you struggled but felt a hard hit to the head

Your vision slowly started to fade as you faced the dead body and you saw the head rolled away but still facing you with the cold lifeless eyes

"Ocha-k-o" you whispered before your eyes started to slip shut.

"We can talk when you wake up... Kiddo"

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