sibling scenario 2

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Couldn't come up with anything so here's a different sibling scenario

AGAIN this is in NO WAY romantic at all


Kirishima: 13 (younger sibling)

You saw your brother standing there with his apron on, a pink frilly one decorated in strawberry patterns, it was one you got him as a kid that he refused to get rid of, and it still definitely fit him.

He had his hair tied back and he was smiling widely as he cooked your favorite breakfast as a small 'apology' as he put it.

But you didn't think anything could make up for what he did, that basement was hell, you missed your soft room, your friends, your personal bathroom, and the real Ejiro, not the fake that stood here and made you breakfast after locking you away for a week straight.

"Eat up, Aniki made it just for you" he said as he slid the plate right in front of you with a wide smile.

"Why" you said and he made a hm sound
"Well because it's your favorite goofus" he said and you just looked at it blandly
"No... Why are you doing this" you said and his face turned sour
"We've been over this Y/n, I said you have to stay in for your own good, we can't have you dieing like mother and father now can we" he said while he placed a hand on your head

"YOU'RE THE ONE THAT KILLED THEM!!!" You shouted at him but your head started to ring and it only took seconds to realize he had slammed your face into the table

"AND YOU'RE GOING TO BE NEXT IF YOU DON'T SHUT UP AND LET ME BE NICE!!!!" He said and his breathing was a little laboured before he slowly started to go back to normal
And at an alarming rate he went from dark and violent to a sickening sweet smile
"Now, it's time to eat breakfast so will you behave for me?" He asked and you nodded slowly, before picking up the fork

You just wanted the big brother you knew before all this.


Ik I did her before but I can't imagine anyone else suitable for the storyline

Momo: 15 (older "sibling")

"How many clumps of sugar do you want best sibling" the little girl said and you gulped down the fear in your throat
"2 please" you said and she smiled before grabbing the hot pink plastic sugar scooper and pretended to put sugar into an empty cup

"A-s great as this was Momo-"
"It's Imōto" she corrected with a blizzard like glare
"Right, Imōto, this was really fun playing with you, but I have to leave now, so..." You trailed off while slowly standing up

"Sit down" she huffed at you and you debated not doing it until the two bodyguards reminded you of their current presence.

You slowly sat in the seat and she gave you a pushed smile with her little hands held together on the little tea table

"Be careful what you do here okay, your now my older sibling, and I wouldn't want you to end up like all the others, I like you best" she said with a tiny giggle and you slowly nodded
"Now, let's continue playing tea party"
You nodded holding your breath wanting to get away from the putrid smell of all her "thrown out siblings" that lay in the corner
But this was life or death, so you played tea party with a child, with your life at stake.


Aizawa: 17 (younger sibling)

He had to raise you, his parents refused to do the job so he did it.
At first he despised you like most things, then suddenly like a bolt of lightning one day when you couldn't sleep in your crib, he went over to you, you wrapped your tinny hand around his 14 year old finger and gave him a heart melting smile, he decided he would do everything in his power to take care of you.

So when you came to hero school and decided to work in the safest course he was overjoyed you where only doing something as support.

He even watched you all those days you worked hard on your mechanics and even helped you any way he could.

But then the boys started to get touchy, and the girls started to get lovey and the fear of loosing you grew stronger and stronger every day.

He didn't want you to leave off with some person, and they even tried to unravel all his hard work by encouraging you to join hero work.
So he did what any rational Aniki would do in a crisis as such.

He locked you in your room

You were stuck at home, you "dropped out" and where never returning to school, you couldn't be risked
He didn't want to lose his precious little one, you where like his only child, and he wasn't going to let you get hurt

"Please SHOTA!!! LET ME OUT PLEASE!!!" you slammed against the door of your bedroom only to hear him say an absolute no
His tone left no room for argument or fussing, and you knew not to test those limits

"You can come out when I'm sure all those people won't be here to harm you" he said softly as he put one hand on the door
"Why?!" You asked and you could hear his smile from here
"Because you're MY little sibling"


Mina: 3 (younger sibling)

She ran as fast as her battered up feet could take her, and her grin spread unnaturally across her face as she heard the voices start to fade.

With a few more leaps she was able to duck inside a large hollowed out tree and she let out a laugh as she held you close in her arms.

"Sis" you plainly said, completely oblivious to what was going on around you while you were hidden in a blanket

"She, gotta be quiet, remember it's a game of hide and seek" she said quietly with a playful tone as she looked at you with wide eyes and a psychotic grin.

"Hide and seek" you said as you nuzzled into her to hide with a small grin while you cheerfully went along with the game.

"That's right, and we have to be very quiet" Mina said with a laugh but silenced herself as footsteps ran by and multiple flashes of lights searched before disappearing

Mina pulled your favorite blanket closer to you for warmth and you let out a small mischievous laugh now that they were gone.

You waited but eventually fell asleep against Mina as she held you close to her hip.

When you finally woke you noticed the light shining through the hole in the trunk and tilted your head

When you saw Mina stareing at you with a smile you looked back at the hole and back to her

"How long do we have to play" you asked tugging at her sleeve

"We have to play forever okay, it's going to be really fun I promise" she said and you just nodded

'thats right, I'm going to keep you safe, forever, because only I can be your sister, no one from those foster homes can replace me'


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