Shoto Todoroki 🔥

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(I've changed this book to yandere but kept the non yandere ones so go to the chapters past "IMPORTANT NOTICE" for all yandere stuff owo)

Ayo I might not use angst for this one owo so enjoy~
Also this will get a little heated *winky winky*
(pun not intended)

             Apple   pie

  Baking wasn't your thing.
You could do it, but the flower, the sugar, the whole decorating thing.
Not something you liked to do.
But your boyfriend apparently
Has never had an apple pie.
So here you where adding the doe to the top for a crust to your pie, and all you could hope is that it would turn out right.
"What's going on here?" Shoto asked as he walked in the kitchen while you decorated the pie crust.
Your face lit up in an embarrassed crimson and he smiled -only slightly- as he saw it
"Cute" he mumbled as he walked over and wrapped his arm around your waist before digging his face into your (neck/back/hair)-it depends on your height, he's 5'9)
"I-im making an apple pie... Because you said you've never had one before" you said and he immediately looked up from your shoulder while you still decorated the top of the pie
"You would do that- just because I've never had one?" He asked and you nodded
"But... Don't you hate baking" (if you don't just pretend you do)
You nodded once again and he was even more confused
"I'm doing it because I think you would like it," you said and he smiled still before returning to your (neck/back/head)
"Thank you, my love" he said and you smiled back at him
When the pie was finished you set it down to cool off when you turned around you saw Todoroki sitting there looking at you.
"What?" You asked with a smile and he smirked at you
"You look good in an apron... but I think just the apron would have been enough clothing"
Your face dusted over in a red hue and you tisked once before walking up to him
Placing your hand on his chin you brought his face (up/down) to kiss you and when your lips connected it was heaven
You didn't separate for while and just kept a sweet rhythm as you both ignored the outside world for your own little space.
When you parted from him his face was more crimson than yours was and you gave off a smirk to him.
"Im not done yet" he said as the red hue started to fade and he pulled you in for another kiss
This one was more sloppy and heated as you molded your lips together 
After a few seconds his tongue graced your lips asking for entrance and you allowed.
You both fought pushing your tongues against each other and trying to get closer than possible as you rubbed against each others body's
His hand clutched to your shirt while the other pulled you closer by the neck.
He groaned into the kiss and you both parted for a second before immediately chasing one another's lips again
Your lips tingled and your tongues collided mixing each other's saliva as you explored each other's mouths.
"Shoto" you moaned grinding against him, he let out a surprised gasp before attacking as much of your neck as he could, with kisses.
Suddenly you heard a knock at the door and with an annoyed growl you both separated
Shoto glared at the door and then down at his pants and back to the door again
"Damn it" he muttered and you chuckled
"Glad to know I have that effect on you" you said as you made your way to the door
When you opened it 3 of your freinds stood there and you welcomed them in
"We're continuing this later" he mumbled as he walked up covering his junior Shoto.


IM NOT DEAD ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ) sorry it took so long
I got really lazy

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