Tomura Shigaraki (pt1)

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(I've changed this book to yandere but kept the non yandere ones so go to the chapters past "IMPORTANT NOTICE" for all yandere stuff owo)


Here it was
A computer game that would change your view on dateing and hopefully give you the courage to face real people with love....
Or just make you love the charachters instead.
But the game was already downloaded and ready to play on your computer
Code~red real
The world has few people left and you have to save them, along the way you meet someone and fall in love, you must choose your path and in the end you will be with the one you "love" depending on your choices
When you opened the game it asked you for your name and you typed in a small nickname of yours before it allowed you to continue
The next screen was a list of characters with their names and images where each had a different story
You looked at the characters seeing a few different ones that peaked your interest
There was a woman named Jirou and you hovered over it thinking for a second before you clicked on her
She then moved and made an x with her arms before talking "sorry dude, already taken" the computer voiced out and your eyebrow raised before you tried a different character
This one had green hair and a sweet smile, they where named Izuku Midoryia
When you clicked on it a different voice spoke as the on screen character waved goodbye
"Sorry , can't talk right now" they said and you grumbled out in annoyance
You scrolled on before one character caught your eye and you clicked on it
He had on a black hoodie and bluish white hair with red eyes.
His general picture looked bored and you weren't to sure about it when you mouse hovered over the continue button
When you clicked on the Shigaraki character it didn't reject you this time.
But the rude introduction caught you off guard with the scratchy voice
"Whatever let's go" it said and the next screen loaded up.
It came on to a bleak and empty city and you looked around at the streets by scrolling your mouse and dragging it side to side to look around
You heard a high pitched scream and a pop up box said
"THERE GOING TO KILL US ALL" and it gave you two options
Obviously you chose the most logical one and ran
While you were "running" it flipped to an alley scene where you supposedly bumped into someone and fell down
They turned around and looked at you with cold blue eyes and they spoke like the other oc's
"You'll do fine" he said in a monotone voice and the screen went dark
By the next scene you woke up and we're given two options
Look around
Pretend to sleep
You chose pretend to sleep and voices continued to talk
"What are we going to do with,that" an accusing voice said and it was recognized as the voice of your chosen romance npc.
The same monotone voice spoke up and you listened closely
"You told me to get one person that looked decent enough, and so I did, now you recruit them"
A low growl was heard and a "whatever" was heard and footsteps "drew near"
"Hey, wake up" was heard and it gave you instructions to click the E on the keyboard before time ran out.
You quickly clicked the button and he shook you a bit before the view shifted up wards very slowly and it said 'convincing successful'

When the screen landed on his face your eyes went wide. He was handsome in his own way and the scar above his lip only added to that... You thought so atleast.

"What's your name?" He asked and two options came up
You clicked on nick name and it continues
"I'm Shigaraki, Tomura Shigaraki, and your at my base" he said and two more options came up as the screen scrolled around for you to look at the shabby area that was run down but also slightly decent
Stay quiet
Well you had been playing it safe so why not criticize
"Wow, working with what you got I guess" the pop up box said for your response
"Says the one who got captured" he replied and it almost made you laugh at how realistic this was
{Insult him} or {ignore}
Clearly you chose insult
"Wow must be a real creep to be kidnapping people like this"
"Why where you running down an alley way then" he responded
{Explain} or {question him}
"Why are you kidnapping people" you asked
It showed puffs of smoke coming from him head as if he was angry and he got up and walked to you
"I wouldn't test me"
"But why am I here" your character asked
"Simple, I need recruits" he said
{For what} or {why am I here}
"What do you need recruits for" your character asked
"Well if you must know I'm the leader of the LOV, and I need people to join for an important mission" he said
{Yes} or {no}
~warning these questions will determine how the story line progresses, please choose carefully~
You though for a moment before shrugging and clicking the yes
"Perfect" he said
You played for hours... That turned into weeks... The story continued and you fell more and more for the charachter Shigaraki, he made your heart pound even if he was just a few codes on a screen
"Y/n I have to tell you this now, I'm going off script and I don't have time,the charachter are real people okay, and I think I'm in love with you, please tonight when you get a call answer it" his character said and you went wide eyed
{I understand} {no}
You where wondering if this was really true or not as your mind raced maybe it was an error or something
But you clicked the first option anyway
"Thank you" he said and the screen went black as the app had closed strangely and your eyes went wide
Later you had watched closely at your computer and you didn't stop watching it
You almost started to lose hope until it suddenly showed an incoming call
You breathed in heavily and prepared yourself
Then clicked the accept button
You were silent
You waited a few seconds
The there it was
His voice
"Hello y/n" he said and your couldn't believe it
"I-I can't believe your... Your actually real" you said and you could hear him take a deep breath in the other side
"Y-yeah... Surprise" he said
"But... I was serious. I think... I like you... And I want to know if I like the real you as well
Please... Give me a chance" he said
You were shocked
You almost didn't know how to answer until you had made the split decision
There will be a part two
Sorry haven't posted in awhile but here ya go

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