Todoroki Shoto

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~ New Emotions ~

These weird feelings had stirred in Todoroki. His face would randomly go red, his eyes would wander, his heart would beat and his stomach would flutter.
And then their was the bad feeling
His stomach would clench, his teeth would grit, his throat would get the urge to growl like a wild dog, and his mind... It would go the darkest of places.
And it all only happens when your around.
Like right now
You stood next to Jirou talking to her while she sat down in her seat and he watched from the door way, she was flirting with you but you were a bit oblivious to it. Somehow Todoroki who was normally dense, knew what she was doing.

With a low growl he walked up to you and lightly grabbed your wrist.

You looked over at him with curiosity and he just pulled your arm
"Um... Todoroki?" You said and he snapped out of it before letting go of your wrist

"I...would you mind if I had a word with you?" He said and you were hesitant before turning to Jirou
"I'll be right back" you said and turned to Todoroki.


You didn't stand far away from the class, just right next to the janitor closet across the hall, but he still spoke as if you were completely alone.

"L/n... I need to know what this is" he said and you raised a brow
"What do you mean "this"?" You asked
He suddenly grabbed you hens and placed it over his chest where his heart beat rapidly
Your cheeks had a light dust of pink over them as you realized how long you had left your hand on his chest

"Todoroki your heart is beating fast, it's not that bad" you said and he shook his head
"Its not just that, my stomach starts to...get weird, my palms are sweaty my face is hot, and it only happens when Im near you, I need to know... Are you poisoning me?" He asked and you tensed up a bit in disbelief

You then laughed a bit trying to muffle it but it escaped and you laughed a bit more

"No Todoroki... That means you like me" you said and he looked into your eyes

"Of course I like you, being around you is pleasant, but that dosent explain why I might be having health issues around you" he said and his eyes narrowed while his face looked ready to burst into a pout.
"No... Todoroki... I'm gonna do something, I want you to tell me how it makes you feel" you said hesitantly and he raised a brow before nodding slowly

" Just... Close your eyes" you said and leaned in slowly while he listened to you.

After what felt like hours when it was really seconds you both graced lips.

It was a gentle and short lived action but when you opened your eyes and backed away you saw Todoroki slowly flutter open his eyes with a red hue to his face

"H-how... Did that make you feel?" You asked and he suddenly took an inhale of breath

He stood in silence for a moment just staring wide eyed before letting in a shaky breath

His voice went high pitched as he let out a small laugh and wavered while putting his hand to his mouth wide eyed

"I... I've never felt that way" he said heavily breathing and dropping to his knees with laughs of overjoy.

"T-todoroki?" You asked concerned

"I get what you mean now... I feel so great... I-" he took another breathy laugh looking on the verge of madness "I want more... Please... Give me another one" he said standing up quickly
Your face went red as punch when he said that and you slowly nodded your head while he got closer
" More" he whispered deeply and you put your lips on his putting more weight this time while he deepened it further

After a few seconds he sperated with his eyes still closed and a lingering smile

"Y/n... I still want more... Why won't the feeling go away... I want even more, more and more and more andmoreandmoreandmore, please" he begged with a whine

"To-todoroki we can't just-" you tried to say but he put a hand on the wall behind you while looking into your eyes deeply

"Please... I need more" he said


It had been weeks
Todoroki had kept pulling you aside and saying how he wanted more kisses
Each time you obliged him but he would just walk off after
Never giving you the chance to talk about it or talk about what you two were.

So you decided to deny him this time
"Come on... Can I please have a kiss" he would always use please to beg you and you almost went for it this time but oh had to stop yourself

"No" you said and walked away without another word leaving him shocked and standing in the hidden corner alone

It was lunch time and while Denki and Sero would usually eat with you they were off doing who knows what so you sat with Jirou by yourselves

"I wonder where the two idiots went" Jirou said curiously

You just shrugged your shoulders and took a bite of food
"Probably sneaking off with each other" you said casually

"Hm... Speaking of sneaking off with people, you and Todoroki seem to be getting along" she said with a smirk and you coughed on a bite of food

" I- it's nothing really just... Stuff" you said and she grinned even wider making a small red tint your cheeks

"Sure... Stuff"


The end of the school day had come and you weren't sure what to do, normally you would chat on the phone with Todoroki but right now it was hard to face him

"Maybe I could watch TV... Or something" you mumbled to yourself and stood up from your dorm room bed.

As you were walking down the dorm halls a hand had suddenly grabbed you and pulled you into a corner with a hand over your mouth
You started shouting complaints and curses at the person but it didn't work with their hand
But you immediately stopped when you heard Todoroki shush you in your ear

Slowly he peeled his hand off your mouth and kept you against the wall with the other

"T-todoroki what the heck" you said and he just held you to the wall not saying anything
After a minute passed you noticed the pained look on his face and you got concerned
"A-are you okay?" You asked and he gritted his teeth while putting more weight against you and the wall
"Do you like her.... Are you trying to tell me that you never wanted my kisses... That you never wanted my love.. did you only want her" he said lowly and you let out a breath of disbelief


"Jirou... You said no to me... And then you spent along time with her... I saw you... Your face did that thing that mine dose near you... You smiled warmly, you laughed, talked... Do you love her... Do you not love me" he whispered out while coming in closer

"What... No if course not... I said no because you won't answer me when I ask what we really are... I want to kiss you but I want to know I actually mean something other than someone you kiss" you said to him and he slowly loosened his grip and looked like he was trying to think to hard

"But... You accepted my kiss... Dosent that already mean that your mine..." He said trying to think harder than necessary

"Todoroki... Some people kiss others without actually liking them or wanting to be in a relationship with them... You only kissed me... You never said we were a couple and you don't act like we are either" you said and his face relaxed like he finally got what you were saying

"So.. you want me to say your my partner... So yes your my partner, your smiles are mine, your laugh is for me, your eyes are to be on me all the time, your voice is to sooth me, your hands are for me to hold, and your lips are for Me to kiss...You are mine... I don't understand alot of this or why I feel it but I want more... And I can only get more from you so I will only ask once... Can. I . Please. Get. A. Kiss" he said and you nodded slowly before he crashed his lips to yours
And his words to you as he sperated where whispered in your ear like and invisible chain linking your very soul to him
"Remember... All of you... Is MINE"

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