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"I... Want more" Tamaki whispered to the taller male

"So do I" Mirio exhaled as he pulled in the other vampire closely

"But... When will it stop?" Tamaki asked as he clutched onto the blonde hopeing for some relief from the stupid  thirst that burned his throat.

"I don't know" Mirio responded

"Will we ever find them" Tamaki asked

"I don't know" Miro said and his hug grew tighter

"When we find them... Will you leave me?" Tamaki said as he dug his nails into Mirios shirt with small tears



You walked along the pavement with a box of donuts in hand
You figured it would help the office wind down after last night's close by massacre in town.

They where happening often and more frequently lately

Sometime there would be two or three people who show up dead in an alleyway
The strangest thing was that there was no blood.

You walked into the office and went to the break room, there you saw two of your favorite coworkers Mina And Izuku

"Hey guys, help yourself" you said as you set the box down and opened the lid
"Ah, y/n I could kiss you right about now" Mina said as she grabbed a sprinkle donut

"Whats stopping you" you said and she laughed

"Hey Mido how's it hanging" you said and he smiled a little

"It's alright, did you see the news?" Izuku asked and you nodded

"Yeah, the bodies where found in between rainbow street and pride Ave" Mina said and you sighed before a realization hit

"Wait Mido isn't that right where you live" you said surprised and he slightly nodded
"Yeah, kinda scary" he said and you slammed down a complementary cup of coffee
"kind of! Boy the heck you mean your lucky this is a work place or I'd smack some sense into you" you said in worry for his health

"Yeah... It's terrifying actually, thinking that you could be next at any moment just walking home, all the sudden being snatched up and drained of your blood like a used blood bag, not being able to shout out for help until your finally cold lifeless and laid out in a pile of other victims without mercy or compassion in the last moments of what little light is left to spare" he said stareing off into space as he sipped his coffee
He was clearly not himself today and it was understandable, but that's statement left us in an awkward silence

The quiet was so loud you needed ear plugs to ignore it, and that said alot

"Anyway, what's there to work on today" he said kicking right back up


You sighed as the day ended and you walked along the streets, you knew it was dangerous but who the heck could afford a car with your wage.

"This was a long day" you said looking at the sunset

You where about to make a turn on your street when you though for a moment and turned to another one

"It's a hell of a walk but, you gotta do what you gotta do, and he is not in the state of mind to be alone" you said

And that's when you made your way to Izukus home, knowing damn well you would only reach there when it was dark.


The city sounds made you rethink your decision to walk at night alone, you heard cars in the distance on a mostly empty road with little to no people out, and you made your way cautiously to the split Rainbow road and Pride avenue.

"You got this y/n... Nothing here that can get you" you whispered as you walked along

You heard a clank from an alleyway and nearly jumped 10 ft in the air

You turned your head only to see a cat meow at you and you let out a sigh

"A black cat... Great, bad luck for me" you whispered as you walked on

Suddenly you heard the cat screech from behind you and you froze before walking faster, you where too scared to look behind you.

You heard steps
You thought they where your own
You stopped
You still heard steps

With adrenaline running through your veins you made a dash for it and heard the footsteps pick up behind you.

You ran so fast that within seconds after turning down the road you where right at Midoriyas door knocking.

You heard running from inside and the hesitant click of the lock before an emerald eye peaked through.

"Y/n?!" He said in surprise

"Yeah. Figured it would help if you had someone nearby" you said and he opened the door more with a wide smile

"Yeah, thank you" he said as he let you in

You both sat in the living room and talked for a bit, he burst out laughing when you told a really funny joke and you enjoyed your time.

At one point you felt eyes lurking on you from the window but you brushed it off to make Midoriya feel safe.

"I should get going now, but stay safe okay"
"But it's dark out, let me drive you!" He said as you stood up

"No, no it's okay, I have a knife anyway, I'll be safe" you said and he reluctantly let you go with a goodbye


You couldn't shake the feeling of eyes and you kept telling yourself they would be gone the moment you got home but the feeling was closer every time you took a turn down the streets.

You where so close, so very close to home when something grabbed you from behind.

"Mine" he said and your hair spiked on end as he took a decent smell of you

You attempted to break loose but when you tried to dash another figure held you from the front.

"Hey there" a tall blonde guy said and his blue eyes glistened with hunger

"Let me go man!" You shouted as you pulled back but he held you tighter

"No can do, sorry to be so sudden but I think we owe you an introduction I'm Mirio" he said and flipped you around with a speed like no other before grasping you tight again

"And that is my beloved Tamaki" he said as you looked at a flustered man with purple hair and elf-ish ears

"I don't care now let go" you said pushing against his arms

"Aww but you should your our new blood supply" he said as he squeezed you tighter

"Shhhh" he said as your vision grew blurry

"We won't hurt you, but now, your ours, and we won't EVER let you go love"

Yandere MHA x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now