Hunter Bakugo Katsuki

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But I got a request from my friend and I will be holding off the sister scenario for... Until I want

But enjoy a fantasy Bakugo

Idea is courtesy of Silvernerdynerd


There was a chill in the air and your body burned all over, the ground was uncomfortable your vision was gone and your head hurt imensley

You groaned in pain and opened your eyes only to see a blurry sight of green brown and black having no clue what it was.

You where hyper aware of how mucky you felt and your clothes itched but every time you moved you groaned in pain as a burn rushed through your body.

"Help" you croaked out hoping for any response but you didn't know if you got one or not.

You suddenly heard a shout before something rushed over
Your vision faded slowly and the last thing you saw was a blurry head of blonde hair.


You woke up to the crackle of a warm fire and your eyes slowly adjusted as you opened them up
You where met with the sight of a log cabin roof and slowly sat up pushing past the pain of your aching body.

"Lay the fuck back down" a voice demanded and your felt something push you down by your shoulder slowly but still a little rough until your back hit the soft bed below you

"Who... What... Where am i" you said staying down but reaching up to hold your pounding head.

"My cabin you dumbass, I found you in the woods" a harsh voice replied and you turned your head slowly to see a man with blonde hair and Ruby red eyes that where stuck in a glare

"Oh... Thank you I guess" you said being able to feel the bandages around you and assuming it was him.

"You better be grateful" he growled out and your face twisted to a frown
You were about to protest his bitter reply but you ignored it since he did you a favor

"Yes, but who are you?" You asked and he clicked his tongue

"The names Katsuki Bakugo, and don't forget it" he said crossing his arms over his white button up shirt

"I'm y/n l/n, how did you find me?" You asked and he scoffed
"Do you ever stop talking, you where in the woods, no more questions" he said and walked off without a word and you tried to speak but he ignored you and slammed a door

You laid there confused and silent before slowly sitting up feeling ready to get up a little and you looked around

The room was made of giant logs and had animal heads hanging on each wall
There where werewolves, jackrabbits, and just the regular old deer mounted on his head

You saw a stuffed Harper Elk which was like an elk but smaller the size of a ciyotie at least and had blue hide with greyish lines up the side.

Even the blanket that covered you now was the fur of a giant Beast cat
A plain name but not one to be mistook for weak, they where like Pumas the size of a bear with claws the size of a lions tooth

Not something to mess with

This man was probably a beast hunter, definitely not to be taken lightly, he was also not something to mess with.

Just as you where contemplating standing u p the door opened and made you flinch slightly before looking to see Bakugo there with a bowl of steaming meat stew in his hand.

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