Kyoka Jiro

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Haven't done a girl one in awhile so here


She clicked her repeatedly pencil until the led had fallen out, with a sigh she looked at her empty paper and held her head in her had that was propped on one elbow against the desk.

"These notes are all wrong Kyoka, you have to match the D# with something that sounds right, here, play that out and tell me what it sounds like" he dad said and the purple haired girl picked up the guitar and strummed the keys in the exact order of the notes, cringing Everytime she hit a certain key before stopping in the first two verses

"See what I mean" the blonde man said and Kyoka sighed

"Yeah sorry" she said and her dad softened a bit at her sadness
"Hey, you'll get it sometime, but for now just don't stress okay, take a break and come back to it when your ready.

Kyoka smiled at her dad and nodded before setting the guitar down and walking out of the recording room.

She walked over to her favorite coffee shop to cool off and hopefully find some inspiration for her music album

While she was sipping on a cup of hot tea she heard your voice and her earphone jacks perked at the sound

For some reason she was attracted to the sound like a magnet as she heard you talking to your friends and laughing with them.

She closed her eyes and listened carefully to it as a tune played through her head sweetly

"Dum dun... Dun dun dum, ba dun dun dun dun" she quietly hummed to herself as she heard you and when your voice stopped so did the tune

She opened her eyes and looked around waiting for you to speak again and when she heard it she immediately walked up to you

"Hello" she said and you just awkwardly said hello back
"I'm Jirou, sorry to bother you but... You kind of fuel my musical talent, do you mind if I stick around for a bit" she said and you looked towards your two friends who made smiley and winky faces as they wiggled their eyebrows
You looked back at her and rubbed the back of your head
"Yeah sure, I don't mind" you said and she smiled a little at you

"Thanks" she said as she pulled out her notepad and started to write down the notes to a guitar song

When your time with your friends was over she gave you her number and you nodded before running off.

She had felt nice looking at her filled out note paper and smiled at the thought

"Is this what it's like to have a muse" she said as she walked her way back to the studio.

It had been a few weeks since she had written the song and given you her number, you called her a few times and you both talked and you texted alot.

She figured out you were only a year older than her and that made her heart flutter at the thought of having a chance with you... But what lessened her chances is the little addiction she got.

It happened once after you two met up at the same coffee shop so you could help her.
She didn't mean to... Well she did, but she just couldn't help it, she needed more notes and she didn't think she could do that without you there to inspire her. So she followed you to your house.

She swore that would be the only time but with all her notes she needed to get done for the UA festival, she just couldn't help it.

So she watched you again...
And again
And again
Until it became a habit of hers
A bad one, but a habit none the less.

And she couldn't help but write notes.

Day by day it became easier and less stressful
So she kept on doing it even if you started to meet up more
Even if you started to like each other
And then date
And then start to grow up and move in with each other
And then get a pet
And get married
Even then she never told you how much she liked to watch you for her personal benefit and her notes
After all you are her muse, and what better way to put that to use than to make sure your always beside her, and inspiring her.

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