Keigo Takami (Hawks)

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°•~Feather Freind~•°

The day was average, the sun wasn't gone but it wasn't shining bright, it was masked by clouds that had no plans of raining.

You walked to work without a worry and the hero agency you worked at was so close by almost no crime happened here.

As you where walking along a glimpse of red caught your eye making you turn your head to the side.

You walked over to it and examined the space that the red slowly crawled to before following it into an alley way.

When you looked down at your feet you saw a red feather just laying there and you sighed.

You weren't sure what you were expecting but you didn't think it would be this... Wich wasn't much at all.

You reached down and gently picked up the feather enjoying the vibrant color it gave off while you slowly trailed a finger across one of the red strands.

The feather then seemed to jump and wiggle in your hands catching you off guard and it flew out of your hands before attacking your neck with light brushes making you snort as it tickled you without giving you a chance to push it away despite how astonished you were that it was moving

"W-what are you" you said lightly as it stopped and floated around you
"I'm sure your apart of someone's quirk so I'll leave you alone, bye" you said and started to walk out of the alleyway for work

Along the way there you felt small brushes against your cheek and you tried to move the feeling away but it only occured on the next cheek

You looked around but everyone near you seemed to be minding their own business as they walked along

When you looked back infront of you the bright red feather was floating in front of your face

"Um... Is something wrong?" You asked and it floated towards your hand and tickled it so you held out your hand realizing  what it wanted

The moment you did it dropped limp in the palm of your hand and you blinked confused for a moment before realizing

"You... Want me to keep you close" you said and the feather circled your head in an excited manner before plopping back in your hand

"Um... Okay... But how do I know your not just the quirk of some stalker or villain" you said and it remained quiet
You raised a brow before shrugging and looking for a safe place to put it

"Um... I don't want you damaged so where should I put you?" You asked and it quickly tucked itself behind your ear like a flower and you raised a brow in confusion before brushing it off  and walking into work

You continued your day like normal and occasionally the feather would brush over you and you would laugh
For some reason it reminded you to eat
Then it reminded you to drink water by leading you to the small employee drink dispenser
Then it even reminded you to walk your legs as if it was trying to take care of you all day

It was kind of adorable but you still wanted to know where it came from

But for now you brushed it off and enjoyed your little feather freind.

Completely unaware that it listened to your every breath, every movement, every word

It wasn't just a small reminder to take care of yourself
It was a... Small precaution to your safety

Controlled by the one and only hawks who didn't have enough time in his busy schedule to be around you
All day
Every day
Like he normally wanted

So the feather freind would have to do
For now~


Me and my late posts 🙄 love y'all hope you have a wonderful day/night and get lots of rest and water
Almost passed out today because I haven't drank water in three days so I learned the hard way.


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