Mirio Togata

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I'm a living shoto Todoroki
I can be dense
My dad is very similar to endevour (only difference, endeavor is trying lol)
And idk why but I like Cold Ramen
Like I won't eat it if it's warm



"Come here Mirio, I want to see, your future, I need to know" Sir night eye said in the room of people
And despite the tubes sticking up from his stomach he couldn't help but hold out hope.
Not hope for him... But for his close student, worker, and apprentice, the boy he saw as a son to him.

Mirio stepped forward with globs of tears threatening to spill as he tried to not loose his breath from the pain he was holding back.

"Sir" he said as night eye put his hand on him


Mirio walked along, he was going to be okay, the first few days he tried to pick himself up but he smiled, he smiled for night eye even if he was gone.

He trained hard despite losing his quirk and he sorted his thoughts out trying to hope, trying to bring his smile to the max, even if it was difficult.

When a week passed they got Eric set up for a daycare and Mirio contributed as best he could to her life, like a big brother who constantly coddled her even if she didn't smile he would help her.

One day, as he went to pickup Eri from daycare he bumped into someone
They had (h/c) hair and stunning (e/c) eyes that made Mirio intrigued, you smiled so widely and got along with all the children as you were picking up your brother from the daycare.

He couldn't help but stop to talk to you and he tried not to lose his breath when you laughed at his shyness

"H-hey um... Maybe you'd like to meet up sometime?" Mirio asked and you smiled brightly at him
"Of course!!"


A month flew by and Mirio was back to smiling wider than he did before, you made his day, you made him smile and brought joy to his heart more than anyone ever could.

But there was one small problem
He knew what he was doing wasn't right but... He wanted to make sure you were safe all the time.

He understood he was breaking a law, that he was committing and committed too a crime.

Watching you, he knew it was a felony but it couldn't be That bad... People do small felons every day and don't even know it so it's not so bad.

Mirio just watched

And listened
And soon he asked you out and you yourself where clearly enamoured with him.
And soon he realized he couldn't live with himself if you died
Screw saving a million. He only wanted to keep you safe
He would never restrict you of freedom... Just be more personal with you.

Holding onto you, having you go with him everywhere he went and vice versa, to the point your days where filled with his sunshine smile.

He couldn't get enough
And he wouldn't let you leave him... Not directly of course... He makes sure you never want to.

-vision- over-

Night eye frowned in the slightest before he forced the corners of his lips to curve

"You'll become... I fine hero, so keep smiling" he said and Mirios tears spread down sir night eyes arms

'this is one thing... I cannot change... People always find each other in this world... The least I can do is let him know... His desire to protect the one he will love'

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