Tamaki ABCs'

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A- Adore: he adores it when you sleep, he likes to watch you when your most peaceful and he doesn't feel like he has to say anything.

B- Begs': he only begs you to stay whenever you have to go out but if it's really important he'll let you go.

C- Calling: he calls you whenever he's sure you'll pick up so he doesn't have to worry when you don't, so it's not often enough to annoy you but it's almost there

D- Dangerous: To you, No, to those that mess with you, maybe, it really depends on what they did

E- Eager: he's always eager to see you walk through the door of your home, he loves to wait for you and is even happier when he gets home to see you waiting for him

F- Favorite: his Favorite thing about you is your attention, he likes to steal it whenever he can and he won't let it go until he really really has to

G- Gifts: he gives you lots of gifts for every occasion or just because, it normally has to do with your favorite things or things he likes about you

H- Hates: Nothing about you, but he does hate when people think he's not enough for you

I- Independent: he tries to make you rely on him as much as he can but understands when you do something on your own, but sometimes when he feels like your too independent he might hide something you need or put something too high to reach so you'll ask him to help

J- Jealous: he doesn't get jealous easy because he trusts you, but he does get defensive because he didn't trust the other person

K- kidnapp: Maybe, it really depends but he wouldn't do it if he knew it would hurt you

L- Loves: he loves it when you pet his hair and holds him or when you go out of your way to tell him he did a good job, it makes him feel very special

M- Moody: only when you haven't spoken in a few days and even then he tries his best to tell you when something bothers him

N- Never: Never say "I hate you" "your not good enough" "we are over" never try make him jealous by flirting with someone else, he will kill them

O- Open: he is very open with you, always, unless he has to protect you from something, and he expects you to be open with him too

P- Pace: the relationship starts slow and as just friends, but when he developed a crush he started to push the relationship faster

Q- quiet: he's quiet alot, so it's nothing to fear, if you see him quiet it's not out of the normal

R- Research: of course he did his research on you, he wouldn't want you to be unhappy

S- Shrine: his shrine isn't that big but it's because he doesn't want you to notice it's there, he has a few photos used paper, maybe an empty juice box of yours but that's it.

T- Track: he would track you to the ends of the Earth if it meant he could stay with you, there is no running

U- Understanding: always, he never misses an opportunity to make his precious feel heard and thought of

V- Vulnerable: Only to things that fluster him, sometimes when you give him a sweet kiss or suggest something adult he gets flustered.

W- Wish: His only wish is to make you happy, that's it, if it means you get married then absolutely, if it means you always date sure, if it means your just friends, okay, just as long as he's in your life

X- XO: hugs and kisses all the time if you want, no need to even ask, he does it whenever he gets the chance

Y- Yandere: on a yandere scale of 1-10 he's a 5 really, he has lots of Yandere attributes but it's not noticeable unless you test the thin line between normal and Yandere

Z- Zeal: of course he has energy and excitement when being devoted to you, your his everything

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