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You weren't sure what was going on with him today.

It seemed fine between you two for the last day or so and you wanted to make sure he was okay but he wouldn't come out of his room.

If you were being honest you really liked when you got along with him, it reminded you of when you where kids.

But today he wouldn't eat
Wouldn't speak
And you doubt he would be messing with his games right now.

You knew it was a leap, especially for him, but maybe he could trust you enough to open the door when you knocked.

So that's what you did

"Shigaraki" you said quietly and used your knuckle to tap the door

You got no response so you knocked again.

"It's me... Y/n" you said and once again silence

You sighed deeply before deciding a risky choice

"I'm coming in" you said clearly and turned the knob slowly before peaking the door open

"Shiga-" you stopped asking for his name when you saw his form lumped under the covers only letting the top of his head peak out as his body curled up

You sighed before a smile appeared on your face as you shut his door behind you

You tiptoed with a mischievous glint and acted as if you where talking to a child

"I wonder, where could he have gone" you said with a playful hmm
You pretended to look under the bed and you laughed
"Hmm nope" you said and made your way slowly to his side

"Well he's not under his desk" you said curiously and you turned your head to the lump on the bed who shifted over 

"Jeez I wonder what this is, it looks comfy though, maybe I should try to sit on-" before you could finish your sentence  you where tugged under the sheets and pulled closely to another chest

"That's a child's game" he said and you laughed a little as he held you close without worry because of his gloves

"Yeah but did it cheer you up" you said and he just rolled his eyes while shoving you to your side of the bed and turning around to face away from you

"I don't need to be cheered up" he said and your smile faltered a little

"Whats wrong" you said softly and he sighed before silently shuffling under the covers more

"Hey, you can tell me, I promise" you said and he tensed up before mumbling Incoherent things and then taking a deep breath to relax

"You... Don't love me" he said quietly and you grew a little sad
You didn't know what to say to that

After all he did kidnap you and lock you up

So instead of telling him a sugarcoated lie you spoke the truth

"No, but I care, and I'm growing to love you" you said and wrapped your arms around him and pulled him closer like what he did to you

"Yeah... But your always mine like it or not" he said as he leaned his head back on your chest

You nodded into his hair and traced his hip with one finger before sadly agreeing

"Like it or not"


Yandere MHA x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now