Mirio Togata

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Is it Togata? Cause I seriously don't know I just guessed his first name... I think it's that





The air was like a cooked lemon, it was sour but dulled down to choke you up.

Your eyes stung slightly and your vision started to cross in and out as you tried not to think about what was happening outside.

You just had to find Eri and make sure  you got her to the Heros.

Your tried to push on but it was difficult as you had just used your quirk against some of Overhauls lackeys.

Unfortunately for you, you aren't immune to your own toxic gas quirk, and you know he'd out anyone in it, including yourself.

You slowly started to fall before trying to crawl your way out of the room, if only you could just open the door and get to her, you could free her.

Your vision was slowly fading and your eyes couldn't stay open.

The last thing you saw was the door opening and a blonde male stood there looking at you.

"Save...Eri" you said
And out you went.


"They will wake up any minute now, they should" you heard a voice say and your eyes blinked slowly

When you opened them up you saw the blue sky and a beautiful bright sun, and no matter how bad it hurt your eyes you didn't care.

This is the first time you've seen it in years.

You smiled slightly as you saw it before your memories came rushing back and you shot up from a stretcher that you were currently being strapped down to

"ERI, WHERES ERI" you shouted and looked around at a large crowd of Heros and police who where stuffing the dreaded Yakuza clan into police trucks that held at least 5 at a time.

"Calm down, the little girl is none of your concern" one of the medical said and you shook your head slapping their hand away

"Yes she is, please, tell me the Heros got her out, tell me they got her safe" you said angrily and the medics eyes widened in surprise

"She's in hero custody right now, overhaul was taken by a criminal medic transporter" you heard a voice from behind you and turned your head to see the familiar blonde

"It's you, thank goodness, thank you for getting her out... And I assume me" you said and he nodded with a smile

"She mentioned you, she said you where still in there and needed help too, your Y/n right" he said and you nodded with a relived sigh

"Yes" you said and made your way off the stretcher much to the medics displeasure

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I just got knocked out by my own quirk, nothing too serious" you said and the medic just nodded and went to find another injured person.

"And who might you be, your probably the hero that got her out right?" You asked and he nodded

"I'm lemilion, because I plan to save a million people" he said and you nodded

"Thank you, because today you managed to save at least two, and for that, I owe you mine and Eris lives" you said bowing deeply and he just laughed with a smile

"You don't have to owe me anything, I'm just glad you two are going to be okay" he said and you slowly stood back up straight.

"Yeah but...Are you!?" You said panicked seeing his face contort in pain

You examined him for any wounds and saw a bullet hole in him.

"No..." You whispered dreading the moment you saw it

"I'll be great, I just need to get this checked out and I'll be up in no time" he said and you frowned deeply

"Did...did overhaul shoot you" you said and he nodded sadly

"Then you know..." You said and he nodded again

"Yeah... But for now let focus on taking you in and getting you checked up" he said and you nodded.


It had been a few weeks until you were let out of the hospital, you where given a room at UA dorms but in class 3-B

You also got to go to school there too, but in the support course, unfortunately all the support course dorms where full so you couldn't stay there but that was fine since you got to stay in the same dorm as the big three who became your quick friends

Miro more so than the others

In fact... To much more than the others.

It was like the moment you opened up to him he started to get... Closer while the others drifted away. Or not so much as drifted more than you being pulled away.

Always by Miro

At first you thought it was just a minor coincidence, but then it started to get...more uncoincidental.

Miro would tell you to stay close to him and to not stray far, he would say things like
"I'll keep you safe" and "I'll be you best hero" you took pity on him because he lost his quirk despite wanting to save so many

And not only that but his mentor died to save you and Eri, and he saved you from that hell you weren't allowed to leave because you're related to Eri.

"Your starting to stray" Mirio said and you looked up from your thoughts to see that you where one foot on the sidewalk and one foot on the grass, slowly drifted from Mirio who looked eager to get you closer.

"Oh sorry" you said and scooted closer to him uncomfortably

"Here, why don't you hold my hand, I can keep you better safe that way" he said reaching one hand out like an offer but his hidden tone said otherwise

You didn't question it before slowly putting your hand in his and letting him grasp on while you half-assed your grip.

"There isn't that better dear" he said and you jumped a little at the last word and looked at him wide eyed

"What, something wrong?" He asked and you rubbed the back of your neck nervously with your available hand

"Well it's just... What you called me, its..." You tried to find a word to describe it but he just raised his eyebrow with that same smile

"Not sure what you mean, are you alright, I don't remember calling you anything" he said and you gave up thinking that maybe it was your imagination

"Nevermind" you said with a small smile and he made his smile brighter if possible.


You went to bed that night with a strange feeling in your stomach, one of unease making it hard to sleep

But while you slept your dreamt of Mirio who was talking, he was saying nonsense and you could have swore someone was petting your head while you slept, but it was just your dream.

At least it felt like it

"Safe... Nice and safe, always safe, and if I can't save more, I'll be your permanent hero, no matter what...my dear"

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