Ochacko Uraraka

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(I've changed this book to yandere but kept the non yandere ones so go to the chapters past "IMPORTANT NOTICE" for all yandere stuff owo)


Up and down.
The balloons bobbed in the breeze and the smell of funnel cake intruded your nose
Music filled your ears with the laughter of the many people around you as you were hand in hand with the one you "loved"
Yep that's right
It was fake
You where doing this for a long game of family rivalry and she was helping you.
Ochacko Uraraka
After hearing that your rivaled cousin got a girlfriend you decided...
You needed to step up your rival game and blurted out without thinking
"I have a girlfriend, you just don't see them"
And when faced with that problem you asked Ochacko to be your date to the family festival adventure
A 'tradition' when the family got together and went to the town festival that celebrated the old folklore of some woman in a red dress who floated lanterns for a sighn of perfect 'love' and what not
You knew the whole story but right now you didn't care as you where trying to convince your cousin that you where actually dateing your fake date, even if you weren't.
"So dear cousin this is the so called Girlfriend, sorry but I really don't believe that you would be able to find someone who puts up with you" your cousin stated and you gritted your teeth at them
"Well I put up with them, you shouldn't be so mean to family, they are nice and are the perfect partner, your just jealous because you got blando deluxe over there wondering why her nail job dosent look as good as it did last week when she files it all down" Ochako said your eyes widened
You looked over to your cousin and they wore the most shocked expression and their girlfriend just looked up from her hand for a second before rolling her eyes and going back to her nails.
"W-whatever" your cousin growled before stomping of with his girlfriend following blandly chewing on a peice of gum and studying her nails.
"That was... AWSOME" you said and hugged Ochako spinning her around
When you set her back down both of you laughing you realized what you did and let off a nervous cough
"T-thanks" you said and let her go both of you blushing
Yo both had a good time playing games and earning each other prizes
You bought her a bag of cotton candy and she looked at you like the richest person alive before you both went to playing games again
she helped you throw darts at the balloons with her quirk and you used your strength quirk to hit the bell in the hammer game.
You both walked hand in hand having gotten used to it without noticing.
Even if this was supposed to be fake like you both agreed you couldn't help but want this to continue.
When night rolled around the flames of lanterns started to float here and there
Some would fall and others would continue to float
Some would float up then fall.
It all represented the love of the woman in the red dress.
"What's the story of that woman?" Ochako asked as she saw you starring at the lanterns
You looked at her and smiled
"Well it's not quite clear but the woman in the red dress was said to have been in many relationships, No one would truly love her each year when the festival came around and so she cried at the edge of a cliff
Her tears dropped down and the river felt her pain and granted her a gift, if she could light a lantern and make it float all the way out of sight, she would know that person loves her, and the relationship would last forever" you said and she listened closely
"So the two people float the lantern to see if their relationship will be great" she asked and you nodded
She seemed sad and you raised an eyebrow
"Think of all the relationships that ended" she said and you nodded
"Well well dear cousin, you haven't let of a lantern yet, I bet your love is always doomed to fail" your cousin said and you gritted your teeth
"Weren't you just fighting your lantern for not floating" you commented and they shut up
"It's just a stupid folklore" they stood up straight and walked away
"Well wanna try it?" Ochako asked and you looked at her
The thought of a relationship made your cheeks tint with red and you nodded knowing even if you weren't together you wanted to lift off a lantern
She grabbed your hand and you both went to the lantern booth and picked one out
It was a circle shape with green painted leaves on it that decorated the bottom.
You both stood by the well and you lit the lantern carful not to let it go yet
You let her hold one side and you held the other while you both looked at each other waiting for you to both be ready to let go
She nodded and you smiled at her before you both slowly let go

It staggered a bit as you both let it flow up into the air and you watched at it kept flying up
It was as if it was soaring as it continued on and on.

You felt your heart rise and butterfly's swarmed your stomach as Ochako grabbed hold of your hand with a blush as you both looked at each other then back to the lantern
"So... I guess that means"
"It's a perfect match" she said and you blushed more
The lantern seemed to continue floating on
It was as if it would continue on for Infinity

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