Shigaraki Tomura

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The small victory tune of the 2-D world announced your win as your medal popped up on your screen

"Sweet loot" you said to yourself as you noticed from the corner that you had gotten a rare armor upgrade.

Right as you clicked the button to collect your rewards a confetti invitation appeared on the screen and you read carefully

"Hello player, we invite you to our special level, we allow you to take a quick peek into the newly made yandere side story of this adventure game, after all what is adventure without a little bit of dangerous love

Warning: seeing as this is a new addition you are one of the first to find any and all glitches such as
°saving/loading issues of the special level
° loss of loot, specified loot not appearing
° not gaining XP/MP, or special moves

These glitches are proven bug free

There is one unsolved glitch that we know of however it may only occur when you lose, please be aware that this glitch is life changing." You read it aloud and snort at the last part

"Yeah sure why the heck not" you say and take a quick chug from your soda can before quickly clicking accept

"Alright... Hm? Yandere level" you muttered as the backstory appeared

"You traveled far and wide across the kingdom, before your missions where to end the darkened creatures of this world and save the people, but as your tale spread far and wide there where those that grew to admire you.

One day you receive an invitation from the prince Shigaraki of LOV, a mystical land far away

Upon arriving the off putting prince has given you shelter and clothing as well as a small party in your gratitude.

The night fairs well until the prince claps his hand and stops the buoyant dance and music before turning to you with a hopeful glint and endearing smile as he bows to one knee

Suddenly with his words like honey despite his scratchy voice he speaks

"Marry me (gamer name), and we shall be we'd by next week, I could give you all you ask for and all you need, allow me to give you my heart" he declares

You have two options

°Marry him

°Decline his offer

Which do you chose?

(There will be both options written below neither will effect the true ending)


"The prince is taken aback and stands in utter shock before scratching anxiously at his neck and muttering the words of a mad man.

"I must be an adventurer, it is my duty to destroy the evil in this world, so I can not" you speak

The prince stomps his foot twice like a child

"Then I shall make you love me" he shrieks and the crowds gasp before fleeing
"CAPTURE (GAMER NAME)" he says with a horrible temper"

-avoid the nets-  the mission says popping up from the corner of the screen

There are red blinking lights telling you which way to doge as you charge at the prince to eliminate his XP

You would admit this would be easy if you were a mage instead of a warrior but you would have to make do to reach him

Right as you were about to land a hit a quick shooting next came from on top and trapped you before the screen halted and a big bold "your yandere caught you" sign popped up

~ accept ~

"You say yes and his and his eyes brightened like the stars and he slides the wedding band on.

"I shall marry you Prince Shigaraki of LOV" you state proudly and soon the wedding day arrives"

You both kiss and a big achievement pops up on screen with confetti and a joy tune of cheering.

-achivement- Messy Matrimony

Rewards: Band of matrimony- +300 armor while equiped
Lovers heart- + 500 HP while married

"Cool beans!" you say as you look at the stats

" Your marriage was sweet until a few weeks in when the prince started to doubt your love especially when you spoke to the maid toga

"What, I'm so bad for you that your running to the maid for love, I'm the only one who can love you, don't you love me back, if you do you would order that maid to death!!" He shouted and you were at a stand point

°kill your friend
°defend her"

You didn't see  the harm in defending her and clicked that option
Only to immediately regret it as you where poisoned with an arrow that the prince shot at you

A small sign popped up and the cursive words read "your yandere killed you" and funeral music played


"Aww man I lost!" You sighed and pouted at your game
"Well maybe the glitch won't occur" you said to yourself before saving and logging out

"Time for bed" you said and plopped down to sleep

To bad you didn't notice

The thing shifting on your computer as it powered on.
The screen glitching and rumbling as you slept

And you certainly didn't notice when something popped out of it
That something was



So much for your yandere level~


Enjoy, I made it long cause I can~

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