Monoma Neito

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Hewow owo~

Warning: manipulation, mentions of self pleasure (am so very very sorry)


Those 1A pests, those heathens, those burdens, all nuisances I say, pathetic being who are nothing but theifs.

You heard me, theifs. They took what was rightfully mine, they took the one thing I lived for and they would all pay dearly.

The threats I make aren't empty
I really will crush them, just not as a competition.

Because they took, them, from me. The one person with any meaning to me and they just keep them from me.

They stopped spending time with me when school started, they said they where busy but I was WATCHING they aren't as busy as they say.

Y/n, my precious Y/n
Why don't you love me, I'm amazing in every way, no one is good enough to love me as you are, and I'm the only one who could ever love you enough

I wiped a bit of drool of my face as I was thinking of their perfect face, their perfect strength, how loyal they are, how caring, I was also thinking of how perfect they would look underneath all that clothing.

I panted heavily and took a deep inhale with my breaths becoming quick.

"Y/n~" I said to myself as I remembered their distinct scent that would forever be etched into my memory.

"Y/n~!" I said louder through heavy pants as I finally finished and paused to savor my high before throwing away the used tissue.

That pesky 1A class
Stealing away my future partner.
"They will pay... Starting with the one closest to them" I said with a small laugh as I stood up and got ready to sleep.


"Y/n, how are you today, having fun with those losers?" I said as I poked their cheek making sure to get close and personal so people know y/n is MY territory

"They're not losers Neito, they're my friends, I think you should go if your only here to taunt us" you replied coldly to me
It struck my heart to see you act this way, but knew it was only the influence of those idiots

"We where friends once too you know, and whatever happened to that"
"Did you suddenly decide you hate me, that breaks my heart you know" I sighed but it was only a joke
You could never hate me, I knew you wouldn't
"That was BEFORE you started acting like a dick!" You said and swept off my arm that was around your shoulders

So maybe you didn't agree on a certain degree with me, but you would understand soon... I'm sure of it.

"Oh~ so that's what you think started this, I'm hurt that you wouldn't remember y/n~"
"What, that you started this by being an ass to my new friend!" You scoffed and I just chuckled in amusement

If I can't spend time with you, I'll make you feel guilty and spend time with me.

"No no no, don't you remember, it's all your fault, I'm alone because of you, you brushed me off that day, and I was so willing to let it go, but then you did it again, and again, and I even begged you to just have a light conversation with me, but what did you say!" I said backing away from you as if I was appalled by even touching you
Your face struck with confusion at the lack of invasion and I almost wanted to go back
But good little lovers need to learn when they've been bad.

"You said, "I'm busy, I can't waste time on you" I sadly smiled

That hurt so much
That day you betrayed my trust
But that's okay I'll win you back
I'll win you back from those brainwashing 1A idiots

"That's when I realized that you didn't want to be my friend, but I still wanted to be yours, I wouldn't have to be an 'ass' if you didn't betray my trust in you" I said and when I saw the painful glint in your eye I knew I caught you in my spun up web.

I pretended like I was going to walk away but you called out my name and I stopped knowing you would

"Neito... I-I didn't mean it like that, I only meant that I couldn't use my time to hang out, I had to study and train, that doesn't mean I didn't want to... I- I'm so sorry-"

"Sorry won't cut it, you hurt me, more than anyone ever has, you should be ashamed of yourself" I said before turning around to walk away

"I'll do anything!" You shouted and I stopped in my tracks with a smirk before putting on a facade and turning around

"Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it, so please tell me" you said and it felt so nice to have you by the strings, tugging the situation in my favor to get you to love me.

"Anything?" I questioned and you thought for a moment before nodding your head.

"Anything" you confirmed

"Spend time with me" I said and you perked up in surprise
"That's... It?" You said
"Of course, from now on you will spend all your time with me" I said and you tilted your head
"What do you mean all?"

"Transfer to class B, you will train with me, study with me, eat with me, all your free time will be with me" he said and you gasped in shock
"Neito I can't just-" I wouldn't let you continue any further with your objections after that
"You can, and unless you want to break me more than you already have, you will, and if you don't just know the guilt of my sadness will weigh on your shoulders, because its all YOUR fault I'm alone.
We wouldn't want that now would we"
You were so reluctant, it made me want to devour that sad look off your face like a full course meal.

I walked closer to you before cupping your cheek with one hand and looking you in your magnificent (e/c) eyes.

"You wouldn't want to break me again would you" I asked faking my broken hearted look.

"I... No... I wouldn't.... I'll see what Nezu can do for my joining of class 1-B" you whispered the last part and as a reward I gently stroked your cheek with one hand and you stood there and let me.

"Very good. Your going to enjoy all of your




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