Katsuki Bakugou

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(I've changed this book to yandere but kept the non yandere ones so go to the chapters past "IMPORTANT NOTICE" for all yandere stuff owo)

This was requested by my bestie
I take requests owo

               ...note worthy...

When an emotion is so strong, that you need an entirely different word to describe it
There must be a very certain thing that made that emotion

             What just 134~

Why did he do that
Why did he have to be so bold about it and what if it wasn't right
It had to be perfect for them

They had been best freinds longer than rememberable and even if he knew Izuku since child hood as well he still connected so much better with YOU

He was currently letting himself slowly die in embarrassment while in his dorm room trying to think of ways to back out and fake the whole thing

But nope
He did it
He put the note in your locker and even watched you find it before running off to class
He took in a deep breath and looked at the clock on his bedside table before grumbling things

He then got dressed in something simple but still nice and went off to the exact meet up place he talked about and started to prepare
Meanwhile you sat in your room looking at the letter pondering who could have written it and if you should really meet them

Y/N ,
I wanted to tell you this in person and wasn't sure how to say it, so I wanted to gather my words
Meet me at six o'clock by the pond where the pink lilies grow
Don't be late

That was it
No name, no reason besides something personal and even if it was some sort of confession you don't think you'd have the heart to reject them, but you did like someone already.

So you would have to let them down gently

You didn't make a big deal out of getting dressed and when you looked at your clock you saw that you had ten minutes before six

You started your way out of the dorms and to the garden, if you looked hard enough there was a pond with white lilly's and there was a small patch of pink ones that steered off on one side of the large pond

When you made your way over to the pond you saw a familiar head of blonde spiky hair and he just so happened to be standing by your very destination

He looked up from his peaceful position to look at you with a straight face as usual.

You could tell in his eyes that he was nervous and most of all worried and you could see the way he tapped his watch unconsciously as if he was making sure time was just right

Your heart raced as you got closer to the pink lilly's and your mind hoped so very hard that he made the note

You practically chanted the words please in your head and begged he was the one

"(Y/N)" he said and you never knew your name could sound so intimate off of ones tongue especially his

"Where you the one... Who made the note?" You asked as you looked at him and he scowled
But it was different
He had a blush that he tried to hide.
The note was clearly a note of wanting to confess
The paper was a red, and it was closed with a small pink sticker that had a scribbled out heart on it
"Clearly dumbass" he said as he looked anywhere but your face

"What is it, you wanted to say" you asked as you watched him carefully and he started to loose his hard shell composure

"I wanted to...confess" he said as he tried to gulp the lump in his throat

"I..." He stopped himself as he looked at your hopeful eyes and he felt the world shift a moment as he stared
He promised he would be gentle with his words
That he would confess the proper way.
But that didn't happen
"We're going on a date Saturday" he demanded and your eyes went wide
You had to conceal a laugh but you appreciated how hard he tried
"Like... A date date?" You asked teasingly already knowing the answer

"W-well no duh" he said with his ears turning crimson red just like his eyes

"I'd love to" you said and he seemed shocked for a second before gaining his scowl back

"Of course you would" he said in a cocky tone as per usual and held his chin high as his chest puffed out

You laughed and your heart pounded hard against your chest and you out of nowhere wrapped your arms around him for a hug

He seemed stunned for a moment before he hugged back tightly and nuzzled into your (hair/chest/neck depending on your height he's like 5'10 I think)

"Tch, dumbass" he said and you laughed a bit as he nuzzled deeper

"Your dumbass" you said and you could practically hear his pout
"MY dumbass" he repeated and he hugged you tighter before letting go and you both walked back to the dorms
Eagerly waiting the special date
Tell me if you want me to continue owo
Hope you enjoyed
I didn't have much a story line for this one TnT but here it is

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