siren present mic Pt1

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This takes place in the past, around the 1700's when they still used just ships to transport stuff

This will have maybe 2 or 3 parts because I've become really invested in the idea of a siren Mic

The salty air was a sensation to behold as the gentle rock of the boat swayed you and your drifting eyes. You weren't sure what was happening, or what exactly you were feeling but you where completely out of it.

The salty smell was nice but it was calling to you in a way you couldn't resist, but you wanted to resist terribly.

A distorted yet beautiful song played and you followed, you followed it until you reached the source, and there a man was, submerged in the water with his head poking out of the top enough to see his beautiful green eyes watching you.

"Hello" you said and the song stopped leaving the crashing of the waves to be the only thing you heard.

You were only five, but you could still recognized beauty when you saw it, and as the man got closer you saw that he was indeed beautiful.

He used one finger to motion you closer but the finger was odd and had golden colored scales lining it as he rose out of the water enough to see his chest and nothing below that.

You being the curiosity filled child you where pulled up your pants/skirt and slowly made you way further into the water but pulling up your pants/skirt did no use as you had to walk further out due to the man's stubborn self, and you didn't stop until the water reached past your belly button and he extended his hand offering something from his balled up fist.

You hesitantly held out your hand and he smiled before gently letting his long nailed fingers caress the knuckles of your hand and his extended offering was placed gently in your hand like it was the most valuable treasure in the world.

Your eyes widened when you saw a shiny shell that glimmered and changed color as you shifted it in the sun.

You looked up at the man and he looked as if he was waiting expectantly

"It's for me?" You asked with a smile and he made a cooing noise in agreement and you giggled before reaching in your pocket

You where excited and thankful so your decided you would give him something in return.

You searched your pocket blindly before you fished out a clear red gem, it was a dull red but it was very shiny and glossy and almost see through.

You held it out to him and he practically lit up as he carefully held it like it was the most precious thing in the world

He placed his head to yours and closed his eyes allowing your foreheads to touch like it was a cat giving it's trust.

"Y/n!!" Your parent called from the rocks above and you separated from the man to look twords the tall rocks

"Over here!!" You shouted and when your parent looked over they where mortified

You looked back to find the blonde man but he was gone and your parent dragged you out of the water shouting about your wet clothes and how dangerous it is to be that far in the water alone

You tried to argue that you weren't alone but your parent said it was your imagination

You didn't argue as you just examined your shell with happy eyes.


It had been years since then.

It was a key memory in your life and you never forgot the man, not once, you sometimes hear his song but it wasn't ever calling to you like it did that day, it was just a reassuring 'hey I'm still here'

But right now you where 18 and boarding a ship, you were old enough to explore and what better way that to explore the one place you loved most

The sea

It was like an untapped source of wonder and glory. You've seen the reefs that where lined along shores in an array of color and the shells that submerged from them, you'd also seen the mystical fish it produced and you wanted to see more.

So a job on a transportation ship was what made it all possible, and off you set (if you have female pronouns then you are paid under the table since women having jobs is a big no, and if someone off the ship asks, then your just the captains daughter)


The ship was oddly quiet that night, you had been on the ship for a week so far and you knew that quiet, was definitely odd.

Night time was the only break that you got and that went for all the others as well, so a good majority spent it drinking and playing cards while talking about their one time escapades during the few hours or days they get when the ship is loading or being repaired.

You stood on the deck watching out to the sea as it swished back and forth practically parting for the boat.

The only person around was you and the other who watched the wheel at night.

But you heard steps up from behind you and you turned your head to see the long haired captain who's eyes widened is surprise.

"What are you doing out in the open, hasn't the crew told everyone" he said and you raised an eyebrow

"About what?" You asked and the captain sighed before looking around and reaching for one ear, only to pull out a ball of cotton that plugged his ear

"Now you listen right and well" Aizawa said and you paid attention closely

"There's a siren out there, wether you believe in them or not I don't rightfully care, but this whole crew has seen one before, and they know to stay inside" he said and your eyes widened

"A siren? What's that" you asked and he sighed before his eyes looked off into the distance as if he was reminded of a dark memory

"Sirens are beautiful creatures, they call for you by the sea with a song and they breath under the water, they are half fish and half human, they are women who feast on men and don't care much about humans, they are monsters in disguise" he said while watching closely at the waters like he was angry with them

"But how do you know that one is around" you asked and he glanced at you before looking back at the waters

"The water parts like a shark swimming through it, it also tosses shiny items on deck, no one knows why but if it does we don't mess with it, ever" he says and your eyes slowly widened

"And... If you take one?" You asked fingering the shell necklace you had and he hesitated before answering as he he turned around

"Then Lord have mercy on your soul"

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