Hanta Sero🔥🔥

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Ayo, I'm tired and want sushi so here's a chapter until I learn how to sleep at the right time of day for once


Kinks applied : bondage (it's Sero people), biting, that's about it, pretty vanilla other wise)


~claiming you~

He'd had enough of sharing you for the day. When you plopped down on the bed with a smile and started humming as you waited for him to change into something comfortable, he went deep into thought about his course of action.

He knew you had both been through a lot with this relationship, what with him working on the whole possessive thing.
It was a task easier said than done, trying not to stab every person that touched you talked to you or even looked at you, but he knew that he owed you after taking you captive.

That of course was talked out and he let you free, but you both continued the relationship until you eventually moved back in with him.

The deal was he works on the whole kidnapping thing, and you give the relationship a try.

Well you gave it a try and now you don't ever want to leave, strange as it may seem you loved that man more than you ever thought you could, and it just made your heart soar knowing that he would change so drastically just for you.

When he stepped out of the bathroom and saw you laying on the bed he examined the way you held one arm behind your head and let the other rest across your stomach while your legs were flat out and open

'enough to fit between them' he noted to himself while trying to push it down at the same time

You kept your eyes closed as he glared at the little charm that rested beside your bed, given to you by Mina.

He gritted his teeth while looking at it and tried to calm his primal urges to rip up the string charm.

"Your glaring" you said peeking one eye at him and he just scoffed

"Yeah so what" he said clearly in a sour mood, you just sighed and opened your arms wide asking him to join you

He grouchily dragged his feet to you before getting on the bed and situating himself to have his head under your chin and both his legs between yours as he laid on his stomach.

"What's wrong babe, I'm sure we can work it out when your ready to say" you said petting his medium length black hair, knowing that patience was key with him.

"... I'm upset" he said and you nodded
"About what?" You asked and petted his hair
He took a malicious glance at the charm before looking away and you caught on rather quickly

"Are you jealous?" You asked and he hesitantly nodded before looking at you
Normally he wouldn't act like this, besides the cuddly part, but he only got blunt and sometimes rude when something weighed on his shoulders but you always listened

"Yeah... I don't know why but, I just really want you to myself right now more than I ever have" he said wrapping his arms around you tightly but it didn't hurt

"Hanta, your not thinking about locking me up again are you" you asked softly only to get an answer you didn't expect

"Yeah... I am, but I won't do it, I just need something as a reassurance" he said as he let you go before getting into a position where he hovered over you face to face

(THIS IS WHER THE SMUT STARTS: I'll keep everything within consent boundaries and this will not point twords one gender or the other however the reader is a bottom no matter how you look at it)

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