Playground || 01

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[ - joshua hong - ]

It's such a boring day. I don't know for god knows how long I've been in this place. A year ?? 2 years ?? It's... Sad. Just sad. I don't have any friends here and I can barely even go out with my friends from school. We still keep in contact, but you know how it is... I'm too ill to even be able to stay out for too long.

I don't really go out of my own ward to be honest. I could but I don't feel like it. Even if I do, it feels like I'm stuck in a box. It stresses me out...

"Shua hyung !!! I'm sorry for being late !!!" the door opened revealing Chan with Junhui

I immediately sat up when I saw them. I thought they're busy...

"We brought you some shabu shabu that Jun hyung made hehe" said Chan excitedly

"Thank you" I said as I smiled

"The others couldn't come today, and they're sorry about it" said Junhui

"Having you two is more than enough for me and you know that. Don't be sorry" I smiled

"Say ahhhhh" Chan offered

I chuckled as I took a bite of it

"It tastes good as always Jun ah" I said to him after I swallowed it

"That's good to hear ~" Junhui giggled

Those two then told me about their day and basically a lot of things that had happened in their lives. Of course I was all ears. Hours passed by, and they left because they had something to take care of.

Of course, I bid my farewell. I felt sad, but what else did I expect.

Maybe I should go out for a bit to get some fresh air.

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