Playground || 22

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[ - joshua hong - ]

Mingyu left shortly after as he's quite busy at the moment. He'd come by during the evening to check on her and I'll do that too. She needs to rest after all. I really hope she'll be fine, it's making me worry...

I decided to take a nap since I don't really have anything else to do at the moment.





I woke up from my nap and it's currently lunchtime for the patients. Usually Jeonghan and Seungcheol would come by during this time, if they don't have any classes

A nurse came in and handed me the lunch for today. I ate it like I usually would but shortly after the nurse left, Jeonghan and Seungcheol came into my ward.

"Joshuji !!!" Jeonghan excitedly came up to me

"Jeonghan, lower your voice. It's a hospital" said Seungcheol

"Sorry sorry" he giggled

"How are you today Joshuji ??" Jeonghan asked

"I'm fine for today. Just a bit worried about something" I replied

"What is it ?" Seungcheol asked

"Oh yeah, both of you don't know about her yet" I said to them

"Her ??? Who ???" Jeonghan asked as he had a shocked expression plastered onto his face

"Just, a new friend of mine" I replied

"Oh ?? You made a new friend in here ??" Seungcheol asked

"Yeah" I replied

"That's such a relief. We're glad you're able to make a friend here" said Seungcheol with a smile

"Is she like, nearby us ? Does she has anyone to visit her now ?" Jeonghan asked

"I don't know, Mingyu probably is back at school so I don't think she's with anyone right now" I replied

"Mingyu ???" Seungcheol and Jeonghan asked in unison

"She's his cousin. He had to take some times off of school earlier just for her so he'll be back after school, maybe" I replied

"She's close with Hansol and Seungkwan too !" I added

"Do you think we can see her now ?? We'd love to get to know her too. I mean, a friend of yours can be a friend of ours too right ??" Said Seungcheol

"I'm not sure if she's awake or not. She's not really in the greatest condition earlier" I said as I fiddled with my fingers

"But I do wanna check up on her later so, you can come along too. I'd love to introduce both of you to her" I grinned

I finished up my lunch first while having conversations with both of them. After we were done, we went to her ward which wasn't that far away from mine

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