Playground || 30

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[ - sophia kim - ]

Well, I tried to change and he tried to convince me for like another month and he almost gave up. I finally got my motivation by then.

"You know what, let's go down to the playground" I said to him and he looked up to me in disbelief

"I-I'm not hearing it wr-wrong right ?" he asked and I nodded

"You're right. I was foolish and stupid. I shouldn't be mourning over his death until it affect me and the people around me. I'll try to change okay ?" I said with a smile

I got off of the bed with his help and we went down to the playground.

Where I first met him.

"Out of all places, why here ?" he asked

I went up onto the swing as I invited him to sit down with me as well. He just obeyed and joined me of course

"Well, this was where I first met him" I said with a smile

I began to tell him how it happened and he just listened attentively as he responded from time to time. Recalling all of it, makes it feel sad yet warm all over again.

I missed him, but he's right. I should move on

From now on, that's what I'll do until my time comes. I hope you're happy there my honey

I hope to see you in another life

May our next meeting takes place in a decent place

+ E n d +

Playground • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now