Playground || 14

173 9 0

[ - joshua hong - ]

After a while had passed by, we've then arrived at the playground. We sat down at the swings as we talked and talked. We were basically just talking about our family members and all. It wasn't really much.

I really want to ask more about her but I'm kind of scared that I might make her uncomfortable

"Joshua, this question might a bit sensitive, but can I ask you something ?" she asked

"Well, sure. I don't think I'd mind" I replied

"What do you wish to be ??" she asked

"I..." I was taken aback by that sudden question. I mean, it wasn't that sensitive but I wasn't really expecting that coming from her

"It's alright if you don't want to answer. I'm just curious" said Sophia

"Honestly, I do not know. I just don't. Ever since I've been in this place, I don't really see any path ahead of me" I said to her

"I see. Sorry for asking" she apologized

"It's alright" I reassured her

"What about you ?" I asked her afterwards

"Oh... I just want to be in the art and entertainment industry. I really wanna try becoming an idol but... In this condition, I don't think I'd survive" she chuckled

"If only my legs are working well, I can probably aim to be an idol but... With these barely working legs, I don't think I could even pass to be one" she added as she stared up onto the sky

Well that's sad... I feel bad for asking now...

"I'm so sorry" I apologized

"No need to ! I'm fine" she laughed softly

"I'm not happy about it but, there's not much to do about it. Besides, I'm happy with my life now. Even if I were to die sooner or later, I think I've done more than enough for myself and I'm happy about it" she smiled brightly

At that time, I felt sad when I heard that. How can someone be this positive ?? I'm seriously jealous of her...

Playground • Joshua ✓Where stories live. Discover now